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Comment count is 15
The Mothership - 2015-04-25

This = the present and future borders of every country in the world.

SolRo - 2015-04-25

It's a lovely propaganda story.

'Rag-tag freedom loving Ukrainians equiped only with western armor, electronics and clothes fight the evil Russians and their high-tech 70s tanks and ww2 leftover LMGs'

ashtar. - 2015-04-26

The Ukrainians also have a little boy with the power of faith that just wants his dad to come home. It's heart warming.

baleen - 2015-04-26

You're hilarious SolRo.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2015-04-26

You've submitted BBC reporting as "evidence" of your pro-Putin conspiracy theories before, Sol. Is that an even-date-odd-date thing for you, or is the Beeb in some kind of Truth-Vs-Ukraine war in your head?

SolRo - 2015-04-26

Yeah I submitted actual reporting from Newsnight, a show on the BBC that does some actual investigative reporting.

This is on the other hand is a widely circulated piece of propaganda that major networks picked up and idiots like you lapped up.

Are you too dumb to know what propaganda is? Or are you one of those fat little 50s kids that grew up on it and can't tell the difference anymore?

SolRo - 2015-04-26

And SPK, I expect you're going to complain in every Fox News video from now on about how people submit shepherd smith fox videos when he says something they like, so all of Fox News must be reasonable and factual, right?

baleen - 2015-04-26

It's a video of guys using RC consumer level airplanes as drones in the Ukraine, which is interesting, and it's actually happening.

That's all it is, dude.

You're a fucking moron and your justification for being such a dickwad is unwarranted.

EvilHomer - 2015-04-26

Russia will never own the Ukraine, SolRo.


wtf japan - 2015-04-26

I used to think Ukrainian soldiers were all a bunch of violent fascists, but then I watched this drone video and they didn't even crucify one Russian child!

Scynne - 2015-04-27

At least SolRo knows another US proxy war when he sees one

baleen - 2015-04-30

Ethnic Ukrainians want to be part of Europe and NATO, not the whipping post of the Russian Empire. Based on how they've been treated over the centuries, it's hardly our fault, and it won't go away no matter what our involvement is.
It is natural for Ukraine to Balkanize along ethnic lines. All we can hope to do is to stop a total genocide, such as the one Stalin instituted when he felt like replacing the locals with Russian nationals.

SolRo - 2015-04-30

Imaginary genocide of Ukrainians is so bad that we should allow the Nazi-worshiping Ukrainians to keep killing ethnic Russian Ukrainians.

You'll always be a fucking tool, baleen.

Bobonne - 2015-04-26

Five for SolRo.

glasseye - 2015-04-27

Five for SolRo lecturing US on propaganda. The irony is strong with this one.

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