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Desc:'Two men get high prices at McDonalds and go around the world robbing McDonalds everywhere.'
Category:Accidents & Explosions
Tags:Racist, kids, mcdonalds, kids are disgusting
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Comment count is 15
infinite zest - 2015-05-15

I had a friend who had crusin' USA in his basement because his dad fixed arcade and billiards and whatnot. After an hour it's the most boring thing in the world that takes up the most space.

yogarfield - 2015-05-15

An hour?! Talk about mental fortitude.

infinite zest - 2015-05-15

He also had a few pinball machines, and a trampoline. Oh and cable TV. We were best friends regardless, but damn that was a sweet setup.

StanleyPain - 2015-05-15


Cruisin USA.


Scrimmjob - 2015-05-15

If you beat cruisin you get to see bill clinton in a hot tub with bikini babes. It's not worth it! The game is sooooo boring.

... Also the hot tub is on the bed of a pick up truck on the roof of the white house.

infinite zest - 2015-05-15

Yeah I beat it. I think the top of the white house was also a farm, complete with cows and a shack.

Old_Zircon - 2015-05-15

When I was in college, the chair of the department was the guy who recorded all of the sound effects for Cruisin USA or Cruisin World (forget which). He brought it up whenever he had the chance.

TheOtherCapnS - 2015-05-15

If only they'd had Hard Drivin' or one of its sequels.

sasazuka - 2015-05-16

I doubt 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (the other arcade machine that they also seem to have in their house) would be an efficient use of space either. That game only has like 4 levels.

If I had the space and the money, I'd probably own Out Run 2 (with the SP package), Ferrari F355 Challenge (with the added tracks), and Crazy Taxi. I still play those three on the PS2 (and the latter 2 also on the Dreamcast sometimes) so they do have some degree of replayability. Or maybe I'd just modify a sit-down cabinet to be able to play any racing game, rather than having separate arcade machines for each.

Scrimmjob - 2015-05-17

For a while I had an outrun2 sit down cabinet in my garage. The artwork was in really great shape too (basically it looked like a tiny Ferrari). If these games are in someones basement, I feel real sorry for the guys who had to move that 18 wheeler in there.

StanleyPain - 2015-05-15

Better than a Fast and Furious movie.

Prickly Pete - 2015-05-15

They're not racist, they're just dumb kids with a camera. I mean, they might be racist, but this video is not evidence enough (from what I saw).

yogarfield - 2015-05-16

Raised by racists. Better?

TheOtherCapnS - 2015-05-15

Racist? They're just practicing talking like stereotypes of black people so they'll be ready once they start playing console games online.

sasazuka - 2015-05-16

Isn't the first arcade machine shown Sega's 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker?

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