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Comment count is 6
gmol - 2015-07-14

World hunger is due to production capacity, it has nothing to do with things like inequity, colonialism and conflict.

baleen - 2015-07-15

I had no idea Franco was an avid Tintin fan.

Boomer The Dog - 2015-07-15

Snowy to the rescue!

EvilHomer - 2015-07-15

A-wooo oWoooo Wooooh!

(that is Snowy-bark for "Damn straight!")

BiggerJ - 2015-07-15

I used to think that that sound effect in the comics was weird, but then I realized that terriers really do bark like that.

Boomer The Dog - 2015-07-16

I didn't watch the whole film but saw two rescues, Snowy saved the home from burglars, and threw a rope down a prison hole, and was promised a Mammoth bone for it.

There was a new Tintin feature film a few years ago too, they're still making them!

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