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Comment count is 28
The Mothership - 2015-10-06

Don't play with matches, kids.

deadpan - 2015-10-06

The Japanese fire alarm is so polite.

baleen - 2015-10-06

The Japanese way of putting out a fire is pretty polite. Wtf is that creepy baby computer voice saying? Anyone?

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2015-10-06

It's a text to speech program that's reading the chat log. Mostly stuff like "Look behind you!" "Where'd he go?" Oh my God."

TeenerTot - 2015-10-06

It's the computer lamenting its lack of mobility.

Cena_mark - 2015-10-06

I don't think he even had a fire alarm.

TeenerTot - 2015-10-06

Quick! Place the burning bag in the cardboard pile!

Cena_mark - 2015-10-06

I'll just put this over here with the rest of the fire.

Oscar Wildcat - 2015-10-06

He's building up his collection.

chairsforcheap - 2015-10-06

nice IT crowd reference.

chumbucket - 2015-10-06

How insanely stupid is this dude? Let's demonstrate some sparking gadget with lighter fuel while surrounded by paper garbage and cardboard.

blue vein steel - 2015-10-08

agree. what's the point of his live-stream, the live Darwin awards? Why film this?

chumbucket - 2015-10-08

Right! Well, it's obvious the guy is a smoker so maybe he's into all new kinds of ways to light up. So maybe he's trying some home made device or using one in a new kind of way. I think he got so caught up in his failure to ignite initially that the actual success took him by surprise and he just panicked. I don't know, still very very dumb. Kids....this...don't do.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-10-06

This video is gold.

-The part where he sits one flaming object down, starting another fire, so he can put out the other fire.
-The part where he picks the fire up and throws it in the corner.
-The part where he attempts to put the fire out by throwing cardboard boxes into it.
-The part where he closes the door behind him when he leaves the burning room to go get water to put the fire out.
-The part where he throws a few ounces of water on a fire as big as him to put it out, and repeats.
-The part where he slips and almost falls on the water he spilled.
-The part where he stops fighting the fire to mute his microphone.
-The part where he stops to remove his coat.
-The part where the camera finally burns up.
-The "AM I SUGOI KAWAII DESU NE ONICHAN KIMOCHI?!?" loli dialog soundtrack playing throughout.

I nominate this for Poetv video of the year.

EvilHomer - 2015-10-06

Poetv video of the year. I second the motion.

Cena_mark - 2015-10-06

What it really needs is Bob Sagat's old AFHV style narration.

That guy - 2015-10-06

This is the best Expert Village video I've seen in a long time, but I don't know if it's Video of the Year.

It has stiff competition from just 5 days ago:

oddeye - 2015-10-07

He kinda did deserve this for being a smoker but not his poor family.

Grandmaster Funk - 2015-10-07

Let's not forget when he uses a blanket like a gigantic bellows to pump more air into the fire, then just leaves it there to burn up.

EvilHomer - 2015-10-08

I think my favorite detail is the Minecraft lava sound effects that are playing throughout.

Raggamuffin - 2015-10-06

This is the smartest man alive

Kid Fenris - 2015-10-07

What's the last thing the chatlog says, right before the camera cuts off? It sounds like something about tobacco.

jimmyboblahey - 2015-10-07

The dangers of having fap tissue lying around.

Potrod - 2015-10-07

I feel like that is an abnormal amount of cardboard to just have lying around.

Grandmaster Funk - 2015-10-07

I presume he's often ordering smoking gadgets, gaming mice, and other garbage off the internet (because he never leaves the house), and he never cleans up the packaging (because he's a slovenly gamer shut-in, and he can fill the boxes with more trash).

TeenerTot - 2015-10-08

I choose to believe it was his first day in his new apartment and those are boxes he's just finished unpacking.

Oktay - 2015-10-08

Someone do a 5x speed + Yakety Sax version please.

Sludge Vohaul - 2022-06-17

Much like an overplayed radio song that I still turn up in the car this is one of those videos that will never fail to make me laugh.

This looks like an apartment though so I'm sorry neighbors.


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