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Comment count is 16
Enjoy - 2015-11-12

5 parts total

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-11-12

I feel both small and incredibly smart now.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-11-12

I approve of his assistant Asian fucktoy, though.

Enjoy - 2015-11-12

Wait. Which one? The boy or the girl? Cause the girl is a 10. I need your measuring stick for the boy.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-11-12

the boy, the 21 year old who "does the job of three men".

If ya know what we mean.

(realistically he probably fucks both of them)

15th - 2015-11-12

He kinda looks like ShoeNice, but you know...

theSnake - 2015-11-12

every pro athlete and bodybuilder does massive amounts of steroids but its really women who have unrealistic body ideals because its too hard not to eat little debbys nonstop *tips fedora*

Herr Matthias - 2015-11-12

It took me a little too long to realize that there can be more than one famous athlete named Jay Cutler.

theSnake - 2015-11-12

i wonder how much misdirected hatemail he gets

Hooker - 2015-11-12

The Cubs QB?

Hooker - 2015-11-12

I mean, he might as well be...

The Mothership - 2015-11-12

When I was really into bodybuilding in the middle-aughts, this guy was in his prime, and it was him vs. a NYC police officer for the best bodybuilder in the world title. When I realized that I knew that, I kinda realized that I was way too into my bodybuilding.

It's true, you have to be crazy to want to look like that. I used to be crazy like that.

Hooker - 2015-11-12

It doesn't come as a revelation to a sane person that you have to be crazy to want to look like that.

TeenerTot - 2015-11-13

He goes to the barber and sells tee shirts? Riveting.


chumbucket - 2015-11-13

A creatine whey milk powder protein egg yolk blended kettle bell medicine ball reps tanning muscle mass spotter deadlift universe.

Void 71 - 2015-11-13

I assumed that this guy had died of a heart attack or liver failure by now.

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