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Desc:There is so much disinformation out there.
Category:News & Politics
Tags:Cobra, what, Resistance, new age, ethical regional galactic governance councils
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Comment count is 13
Xenocide - 2016-04-04

Oh damn! Does GI Joe know about all this?

Old_Zircon - 2016-04-04

If the related video are any indicator, more people know about this than the rest of us should be comfortable with.

EvilHomer - 2016-04-04

Which relateds? Mine are a whole bunch of this guy's other videos, plus a Stefan Molyneux rant and Lindybeige's new video on immigration.

Old_Zircon - 2016-04-04

I got a bunch of different UFO people interviewing COBRA and a bunch of other UFO people interviewing even more UFO people, but all about the same basic narrative judging from the titles and the other few I skimmed.

memedumpster - 2016-04-04

"Good news, JOEs, Cobra is using vector compression boson intelligences from beyond the stars to attack America!"

"What the hell does that mean, Duke!?"

"That means our turnover rate just went up and we got an extra trillion bucks from the DoD!"

"Hell yeah, I'm gonna' golden parachute straight to hell, baby!"


chumbucket - 2016-04-04

I would suggest a new tag of "you sound smart"

15th - 2016-04-04

I'm still trying to nail down a good word for it. When someone who isn't too bright talks like they have season box tickets to Prairie Home Companion. the bald gamer gate guy comes to mind.

memedumpster - 2016-04-04

Academicese. It's the worst of mental illnesses. Here is an exploded case :

Early warning signs are :
1.) Using nouns as verbs and adjectives.
2.) Using paragraphs as sentences.
3.) Using teaching positions as research.
4.) Using peer reviewed journals as thunderdome.
5.) Futurama fan.

15th - 2016-04-04

Nice! Stars for the postmodern essay generator too.

EvilHomer - 2016-04-04

Aurini's pretty intelligent. He's wrong about many things, but the quality of his information is independent of his ability to learn and apply said information.

Also, I don't think he's a Futurama fan. I am almost certain he would disapprove of the Space Pope, not to mention robosexuality and Leela's position of authority.

15th - 2016-04-04

Homer, you'd make an excellent literal genie.

EvilHomer - 2016-04-04

Yeah, I picked up on the "so much disinformation" part, too! Very ironic, coming as it does from a pair of gentleman heavily influenced by David Icke, Laurance Rockefeller's UFO Disclosure Movement, and the New Age "world government will soon be established as a force for good" meme.

Also, it's interesting that they don't seem to know what the term "false flag" means, and I love the way Mr Cobra answers the rebuttals. "What do you say to the skeptics when, once again, the coming Event fails to manifest on the day you predict it will happen?" Well, people won't know I'm right BEFORE the event happens. Once the event happens, THEN people will know I was right. Duh!

Old_Zircon - 2016-04-04

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Even the stoner friend I had for a while who literally believed that we were 100% descended from prehistoric Annunaki visitors and 9/11 was an inside job thought Icke was at best a complete fraud (and at worst some kind of CIA disinformation agent).

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