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Comment count is 12
Oscar Wildcat - 2016-04-27

"A woman can still be attractive long after any man has taken her on his knee"

What the hell does that even mean????

Also: Calling Gmork, come in Gmork!

Old_Zircon - 2016-04-27


Rafiki - 2016-04-28

You propose on one knee, but I like the spanking explanation better.

That guy - 2016-04-28

It means "eat what you like, and lots of it".

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-04-28

Thank you, Rafiki. I was really struggling to come up with an alternative to spanking or fucking. What a choice of words!

Gmork - 2016-04-28

I see no fatties. Stars withheld.

betamaxed - 2016-04-27

Don't forget those foundation garments now that spring is on

memedumpster - 2016-04-27

They never showed any fat ones. Just normal people.

Old_Zircon - 2016-04-27

Why I submitted it.

cognitivedissonance - 2016-04-27

I love them all.

Rafiki - 2016-04-28

For the final line.

bopeton - 2016-04-28

Britain's most glamourous fatty.

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