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Comment count is 13
The Mothership - 2016-07-28

Oh wow, Circus Fun Cereal!

Also, remember the day when quartz watches and real toys came with magazine subscriptions and sugary cereals?

Scrimmjob - 2016-07-28

I had that goddamn Sugar Bear doll, it was still floating around my momma's house a few years ago.

Caminante Nocturno - 2016-07-28

The look that woman was giving that watch, you know they were fucking after the commercial was done.

fedex - 2016-07-28

that watch is a genuine, authentic piece of shit.

also 8:05 HELLO New York doll!

Caminante Nocturno - 2016-07-28

13:57 Tang was inspired by Ecto Cooler to make their own movie-themed flavor. Unfortunately, the movie they chose was The Day After.

Ugh - 2016-07-28

five stars for 8:35

Ugh - 2016-07-28

well, actually all the stars are forfeit now that i see the commemorative plate investment scam commercial, forgot how hard they pushed that angle

EvilHomer - 2016-07-28

Used to watch The Monkees all the time when I was a kid. Made me the man I am today, boy howdy.

Ninehells - 2016-07-28

Yup, the Gipper, big hair and big shoulder pads. Union busting, sugary cereal, and telephone psychics in the Whitehouse. The 80's were...something. Ads sure make it whiter than I remember.

Comeuppance - 2016-07-28

"low-cal clothes"

Old_Zircon - 2016-07-28

This was marketing aimed at children, remember.

cognitivedissonance - 2016-07-28

I don't need to watch this. I'm trying to clear my mind of things I don't need but have in there anyway.

MongoMcMichael - 2016-07-29

8:30 for Barney Rubble in yellowface.

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