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Comment count is 9
cognitivedissonance - 2016-08-24

They've never succinctly explained what Schlansky DOES. Just one of those undefined Hollywood people that exist to be a glorified handler?

blue vein steel - 2016-08-24

Based on his office, i always figured he was a number cruncher or something like that. Hollywood is filled with plenty of nameless bureaucrat types that basically move numbers around on a computer all day, behind the scenes.

Of course he's an audiophile

Nominal - 2016-08-24

AND a foodie!

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2016-08-24

I like Schlansky. He's logical, reminds me of me. More people should be like me n' Schlansky.

Nominal - 2016-08-25

What lucky girl managed to land this winner?

cognitivedissonance - 2016-08-25

Dude, have you seen his abs? Schlansky is cut!

blue vein steel - 2016-08-25

the dating scene is notoriously unkind to successful and attractive men that regularly appear on TV

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2016-08-25

I have never seen a more autistic sidekick.

Nominal - 2016-08-26

Bipolar & Autistic would make an awesome superhero duo.

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