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Desc:Vox Day joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the entrepreneurial mindset, how to accumulate human capita
Tags:slave, slaves, Stefan Molyneux, aaaaaaaaaaaaa, slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave aaaaaaaaa
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Comment count is 10
Gmork - 2016-12-13

you're so fucking deep, man

Maggot Brain - 2016-12-13

Song makes a good point.

Binro the Heretic - 2016-12-13

Well, the pyramids were pork-barrel public works projects, but I'm sure a lot of the contractors and subcontractors "kept their overhead low" if you know what I mean.

(I mean they used slave labor)

EvilHomer - 2016-12-13

So I haven't watched the real video yet, but I dinstinctly recall Vox and Stefan doing a video, not more than a few months ago, talking about why capitalism DOESN'T work. For those of you who've watched the latest: do Vox and Stefan address this flip?

IIRC, Vox's critique of capitalism stemmed from election-season antipathy towards Hillary's free trade policies. Vox's conclusion was basically that we need a good socialist strongman like Trump to step in, lock down the borders, and mercantile the hell out of our already-heavily-cronied "capitalist" system. Stefan himself even went so far as to repeatedly troll libertarians and an-caps over them "not getting it". Yay nationalism, yay statism, freedom is slavery, slavery is freedom.

But now suddenly capitalism "works" again?

I know Stef will say whatever the hell he believes can get him views, and will argue any position that he thinks will go over well with his now-largely SQW subscriber base. The "inconsistencies" (ha!) of Stef's positions over time are a part of his charm, and it's sort of fun to watch as he tries to both have his cake and eat it too - roping his largely mouthbreathing new audience back into Old Stef territory with equal parts New Stef rhetoric and sophistry. BUT, usually, when Stef is with a respected guest, he and his guest stay fairly consistent from show to show. Has Vox decided to declare war on Eurasia, too?

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-12-13

Have you tried capitalism yet? How do you know it works if you haven't even tried it?

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-12-13

By that I mean you specifically, EH.

EvilHomer - 2016-12-13

Well, that depends! The answer to the first question could be "yes" or could be "no", depending on how you define "capitalism" and how you define "tried". The answer to the second also awaits definitions, but is not necessarily dependent on the answer to the first, given the value you have stated for "you".

StanleyPain - 2016-12-13

I voted this down in the hopper by accident (mis-click). I wish we had a system where you could change your vote.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-12-13



15th - 2016-12-13

I know two or three people that gave away their DVD box set due to acid trauma.

What a show..

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