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Desc:Lighten up! Good things are coming our way.
Category:Science & Technology, Humor
Tags:donald trump, alex jones, science fiction for dumb asses, proven track record, demented ravings
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Comment count is 24
Xenocide - 2017-01-22

In fairness to Alex, Trump is totally the kind of person who would repeal the ACA, then like the next day announce that there's a secret cure for cancer which 95% of the country can now never afford.

Maggot Brain - 2017-01-23

I never knew that Alex Jones has such a hard on for Oliver Cromwell.

GQ - 2017-01-23

All it took Was Trump to call him on the show and blow smoke up his ass, and now Alex LOVES being a Statist

Oscar Wildcat - 2017-01-23


Oscar Wildcat - 2017-01-23

In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon!"

cognitivedissonance - 2017-01-23

But would we LIKE to live longer in a world where people like you live longer?

No, no we would not.

Raggamuffin - 2017-01-23

too late to save Bowie, just in time to save Cheney

teethsalad - 2017-01-23

surprise! it's piss

Bisekrankas - 2017-01-23

"I had people with me that are experts on crowd sizes"

Finally all those years at the crowd size university is paying off

Born in the RSR - 2017-01-23

To paraphrase an old romanian joke:

How do you know how many people there were in the crowd?

You just count the legs and divide by 2.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-01-23

I hope Ken Buirns lives longenough to make a movie about the Trump presidency, because Stanley Kubrick is already dead.

Doc Victor - 2017-01-23

I was saying Buirns

chumbucket - 2017-01-23

I'm sure Oliver Stone will beat him to the punch. Or likely already writing it.

Chancho - 2017-01-23

Over the years, he's become my favourite comedian. He's just barely edged out Andy Kaufman.

memedumpster - 2017-01-23

I hope it comes in the form of a water filter!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2017-01-23

So, still liking meth, then.

bawbag - 2017-01-23

What a super hilarious remark that was. You definitely shouldn't die in a fire or anything like racist fuckwits who hang out in places they are hated since the late 90s deserve.

5 stars.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2017-01-24

This is all because I suggested I grab your pussy that one night, isn't it?

I was just kidding, you know. I was trying to do something new. I thought you would be open to fisting but now I know.

Honestly, can't we just start over, sweetness?

bawbag - 2017-01-24

Hey, remember all those times you flounced dramatically out of here or other forums after it was clear that you're a dumb racist cunt and basically everyone hates you?

I do. I look forward to your next messy freakout here.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2017-01-24

Maybe we should try couples counseling.

Spaceman Africa - 2017-01-23

how does alex jones rationalize being a government shill now?

GQ - 2017-01-23


bawbag - 2017-01-24

Are the secret cures going to be whatever beefcake2000 penis pills Alex is shilling currently by any chance?

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