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Comment count is 99
cognitivedissonance - 2017-02-07


cognitivedissonance - 2017-02-07

*flaps and minces*

Lef - 2017-02-07

What is happening with the hopper and the dick eating and f-bombs? Why Lasagna cat?

Albuquerque Halsey - 2017-02-07

no idea

cognitivedissonance - 2017-02-07

Waugh is our lovable scamp who comes and goes. He's like the ragged street urchin that our Salvation Army brass band just cannot save.

bongoprophet - 2017-02-07

I tried submitting both of these and was like, wtf, they are not in the hopper!

But as it turns out AH was roleplaying Waugh :S

Waugh - 2017-02-07

tell me the url prefix that let you skip the duplicate check and i'll forgive whoever's impersonating me

StanleyPain - 2017-02-07

Short story: it must have been a bad day over at Bo News.

Scrimmjob - 2017-02-07

Waugh, If you try submitting the url from your browser and it blocks it, try using the youtube share link. You can also remove the s from https at the beginning of the url, although I think that fucks with the preview showing up right. Why would you want to submit something that's already here anyway? You silly goose!

Waugh - 2017-02-07

i've been here since the site's inception and i know what happens when you use those, scrimmjob.
it's sad that nobody can remind me of this one simple thing, it's as if you all want this site to stay fuckin boring.

Gmork - 2017-02-07

You're boring as shit.

Scrimmjob - 2017-02-07

idk, it seems to work for me.

Waugh - 2017-02-08

"no u"

Gmork - 2017-02-08

not even close

Waugh - 2017-02-08

dead to rights actually

Gmork - 2017-02-08


Waugh - 2017-02-08

ja. "YOU'RE the one that's boring." you have so little capacity for original thought you can't even help parroting your opponents in one way or another. it's genuinely pathetic.

Gmork - 2017-02-08

When something is true, like your boring asshattery, there aren't many other ways to phrase it. "No u" is a blanket refutation with no qualifier - what I'm saying is backed up by tons of evidence. E.G. - your behavior on this site since day 1.

Waugh - 2017-02-08

"no u" is a direct description and dismissal of your trite putdowns, chester. lol asshattery

Gmork - 2017-02-08

incorrect - you quoted it for a reason, and now you're pretending that it was you just saying it plainly as a rebuttal to me.

how stupid are you?

Waugh - 2017-02-08

not as stupid as some pretentious turd who gets hopelessly lost in simple arguments like they're the hedge maze from the shining, thank god

Gmork - 2017-02-08

my god, you're as delusional as they come

Waugh - 2017-02-08

you're so fucking cornered you have nothing left to draw on but more canned insults and fake condescension. so very trite, so tedious, so goddamned lame.

Gmork - 2017-02-08

oh, the condescension is very, very real. tedious is definitely the word i'd use to describe every interaction you've ever had with anyone on this site

Waugh - 2017-02-08

twirling your mustache, steepling your fingers, slapping the NO U button. so fucking rote.

Gmork - 2017-02-08

everything you say is so fucking tedious and trite. i'm sorry you already used those words, but what am I to do when they perfectly fucking describe you?

Waugh - 2017-02-08

no u no u no u no u zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Gmork - 2017-02-08

lets ignore things that are true because conveniencezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Waugh - 2017-02-08

sorry i don't have the gall to try and deny everything through defensively reversed attributions i have to admit that looks like a winning strategy if you're just trying to bore the other guy to fucking death

Gmork - 2017-02-08

if you had an ounce of capacity for self-analysis you could simply scroll through your comment history and see my point made for me very handily

but you're too much of a fucking coward to turn your gaze back onto yourself - and there's evidence you're delusional enough to actually buy into this holy crusader bullshit. I worry that if you did ever stumble upon the extremely ugly truth of your existence and behavior, you'd just shrug it off in favor of your fantasies about yourself

Waugh - 2017-02-08

you're the one lost in the hall of mirrors, viewmaster. i'm nothing if not circumspect.

Gmork - 2017-02-09

Then I guess you're nothing.

Old_Zircon - 2017-02-09


Waugh - 2017-02-10

im a cipher

Gmork - 2017-02-10

you're a kids book with 36 point lettering

Waugh - 2017-04-03

im a spanish language numbers station

infinite zest - 2017-02-07

Whatever it is, it's happening on my birthday

cognitivedissonance - 2017-02-07

Happy birthday not in prison, dear!

TheyUsedDarkForces - 2017-02-07

Happy birthday! The universe has seen fit to award you with a day that is several degrees above freezing. Portland weather has been brutal lately...

infinite zest - 2017-02-07

Thanks! I grew up in PDX but after Wisconsin, even this winter ain't so bad.. then again it's been typically milder and warmer in the Midwest this year compared to the Northwest.. But now it's back to a normal(er) 40 degrees and rainy, just the way we pretend we like it :)

boner - 2017-02-07

The benefits of subscribing to a channel that masn't made anything in 9 years.

Old_Zircon - 2017-02-07

Those are the best channels anyway. The best Youtube content was made before it was possible to earn money from it.

Bisekrankas - 2017-02-07


infinite zest - 2017-02-07

Fatal Farm's probably worth more than Tim and Eric, Eric Andre and anything that's part of Adult Swim (except for Family Guy and probably Robot Chicken); I think they've earned plenty of $$
by pawning the Lasagna Cat style, which is pretty much everything on Adult Swim these days..

chumbucket - 2017-02-07

Another super bowl ad I must have missed while I was on the crapper.

infinite zest - 2017-02-07

What's funny is that some of Fatal Farm's ads have in fact run during the super bowl.

Waugh - 2017-02-07

zest, stop trying to educate these things.

Gmork - 2017-02-08

non-sequitur response again

Waugh - 2017-02-08

hey zesty does gmork wimper at the window every day while i'm gone

Gmork - 2017-02-08

it's frightening that someone as obtuse and base as yourself can actually convince themselves otherwise

Waugh - 2017-02-08

*soapy bubbles flow from your tobacco pipe*

Gmork - 2017-02-08

that imagery perfectly expresses most peoples' opinion of you

Waugh - 2017-02-08

lol you're mashing [no u] like it's cookie clicker

Gmork - 2017-02-08

nah, 'no u' is just a by-rote response. what I said is perfectly appropriate and your inability to sift automatic negation from genuine criticism is your own failing

Waugh - 2017-02-08

just because i've destroyed half your face like cancer did to roger ebert doesn't make you a genuine critic, you sad crazy fuck

Gmork - 2017-02-08

jesus fucking christ you're sad

Waugh - 2017-02-08

yeah why bother demonstrating anything when you can state it flatly and keep reiterating in the hope it sticks, like a schoolyard joseph goebbels. if i wanted dialogue this boring i'd join reddit, shape your game up son.

Gmork - 2017-02-08

you really suck at this

Waugh - 2017-02-08

you forgot to point out i'm a shoeface doodyhead, joey

Gmork - 2017-02-08

confirming everything I've ever said about you

Waugh - 2017-02-08

not really moron

Gmork - 2017-02-08

rote response garbage

Waugh - 2017-02-08

i lern all ur muvs uwu

Gmork - 2017-02-08

speak english cunt

Waugh - 2017-02-08

go back 2 russia

Gmork - 2017-02-09

wow you totally burned me

Waugh - 2017-02-10


Gmork - 2017-02-10


M-DEEM - 2017-02-07

Good old Jon just Jonning around

Waugh - 2017-02-08

Check your privilege.

Gmork - 2017-02-08

Calling Out Fascists Online

Waugh - 2017-02-08

what are you even on about now stupid

Gmork - 2017-02-08

feigning ignorance again what a shocker

Waugh - 2017-02-08

if you spread your sad harassment campaign to my youtube account or any other platform you might find me on you're going to regret it, chapman

Gmork - 2017-02-08

Harassment campaign? You mean like the one you've been perpetrating against PoE since forever? Pot calling kettle, come in kettle - you are black. Repeat - you are black.

Waugh - 2017-02-08

i am black

Gmork - 2017-02-08

dodge city population waugh

Waugh - 2017-02-08

there's a new sheriff in town. a black sheriff.

Gmork - 2017-02-08

so yeah. your inability to own up to your shitty behavior kinda says it all

Waugh - 2017-02-08

so yeah umm i'm going to need you tooo ahh come in on sunday uhhhh and hmmm lick my ass.
we have fun here gmork but i'm serious if you fuck with my youtube channel you're in for it. i'm not warning you again.

Gmork - 2017-02-08

in for what, exactly? please, specify your threats, you nutless zero

Waugh - 2017-02-08

try me and find out, honky

Gmork - 2017-02-08

that's what I thought - you've got nothing. you're an impotent prick. just like the last time you threatened me.

Waugh - 2017-02-08

you don't have the sack to step up and try anything, who's threatening you when even a warning is wasted?

Gmork - 2017-02-08

"NO U"

yeah that's what I thought - you're a pussy

Waugh - 2017-02-08

you're the one who's not initiating anything faggot are you expecting a preemptive drone strike or what

Gmork - 2017-02-08

i've already stepped over your line drawn in the sand - don't you remember?

after a particularly stupid bout of you following me around in the comments and harassing me, you said (hilariously) "continue to harass me and there will be consequences. I fucking warned you"

I'm still waiting, pussy.

Waugh - 2017-02-08

so what's keeping you from crossing the next line, mister internet tough guy

Gmork - 2017-02-08

I don't even know how someone would "go after" someone else's youtube channel, but it's fucking hilarious watching you shake like a leaf at the prospect of it.

Gmork - 2017-02-08

Your channel is shit anyways, if I removed it, it would simply get transferred from one trash bin to another. I don't really see the point. I'd rather it stand as a testament to your worthless fucking legacy of being a shitposting edgelord with an ego bigger than mount goddamned everest.

Waugh - 2017-02-08

haha, if you REMOVED it? i dare you to even show up and start shit outside of this pig pen, stalky. why set the bar so high, unless you're looking for an excuse not to jump at all.

Gmork - 2017-02-08

Like I said - I'm happy to leave your embarrassingly stupid youtube page right where it is.

How many lines are you going to draw for me to step over? If once isn't enough for you, you're a exactly what I've been saying - a gigantic fucking pussy.

Waugh - 2017-02-08

yeah you're the one who can't step up, faggotguts. stay here in your playpen, i'm only visiting and you're going to get lonely again.

Gmork - 2017-02-09

oh look, feigned condescension being laid on extra thick. what a shocker


Waugh - 2017-02-10

oh look you're a sassy parrot again who still hasn't stepped up

Gmork - 2017-02-10

oh look you're a gigantic pussy who still hasn't stepped up

Waugh - 2017-04-03

how then exactly would you like to be punished for harassing some unrelated stranger's youtube channel while trying to expand your beef from some run down aggregator site?

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2017-02-09

Wow the title of this video became ironic quickly.

Waugh - 2017-04-03

a little too ironic dontcha think

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