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Desc:'Digital Prophet' was his real job title and he makes a lot more than you do.
Tags:AOL, moans of the dying, its a living, tedx, digital prophet
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Comment count is 8
Rafiki - 2017-03-13

"Everyone is talking about SoLoMo—social, local, mobile—but they should be talking about HoMo: home/mobile, cell phones used on the couch."


Oscar Wildcat - 2017-03-13

In the future, your hair will be styled by an app on your smartphone.

SolRo - 2017-03-13

Does he make a lot of money? AFAIK most blogger-writers don't make much money as they're just freelancing to organizations that don't pay much for freelance work. Not sure if being a onetime guest commentator on a show pays much or anything either.

They can however make decent money by trying to convert their wide exposure into a book deal/sales, views on a monetized site they own, etc.

Old_Zircon - 2017-03-13

Pretty sure he was officially employed by AOL at the time. Maybe not now.

TheSupafly - 2017-03-13

Now that 'w/Bob and David' sketch just got a lot funnier.

15th - 2017-03-14

What's the over/under of this guy owning a Scion?

yogarfield - 2017-03-14

What an utter, total, and absolute twat.

StanleyPain - 2017-03-15

Holy shit, I had no idea the Shangy character from Bob and David was based on anyone real. Jesus christ....

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