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Comment count is 22
infinite zest - 2017-04-22

Towards the end of any month, the number of drug-related citations and charges always goes up. It's like the police are trying to meet some quota. Wouldn't surprise me if this was a sting operation but you don't want to mess with the hands in that honey pot

Ninehells - 2017-04-22

Those puns sting a bit.

Nikon - 2017-04-22

Now I know what all the buzz is about.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2017-04-23

Oh you guys are the queens of bad puns. How about you stop your droning and mind your own beeswax.

The Mothership - 2017-04-23

MC Scared of Bees should chime in here.

Redford - 2017-04-22

Bee, Bees

Old_Zircon - 2017-04-23

Yeah, this really needs a "slow news day" tag, but not enough to disturb that combo.

fedex - 2017-04-23

Hol-ee Smokes that witness guy

Robin Kestrel - 2017-04-23

He didn't know they was gettin' et up by bees.

fedex - 2017-04-23

He just got done waterin' his chickens and stuff

Robin Kestrel - 2017-04-24

If Gary Lee Anderson hosted next year's Oscars, I would watch it.

Maggot Brain - 2017-04-23

What is Trump going to do about the meth, and the bees, and the meth bees?!

Old_Zircon - 2017-04-24

I had my reply all ready to go but it turns out the text of Ben Franklin's seminal essay on the most important type of bees is nowhere on line, even Google Books cuts it out of their preview of the one modern publication that included it, although they do have the table of contents at least.


boner - 2017-04-23

Ok when I've visited the south I noticed that the local news teams don't speak with a local accent. Why is that? I would think it doesn't exactly help folks trust the reporters.

Old_Zircon - 2017-04-23

The strength of regional accents are generally correlated to social class, and the lower classes aren't allowed on TV.

Ninehells - 2017-04-23

They hire for neutral accent. The only one allowed an accent is the jovial weatherman or farm reporter if they have one, as this is an accepted trope.

Old_Zircon - 2017-04-23

That too.

Potter - 2017-04-23

One of the earliest national news anchors came out of WNY and served as a roll-model for news anchors and the origin of the accent. I'll try to track down further info.

OMg I love all their voices.

jfcaron_ca - 2017-04-23

Same reason why only people with the proper "BBC Accent" were allowed to become British TV personalities for a long time.

Old_Zircon - 2017-04-24

Personally I''d like to know the origin of NPR accent, because it's like no real accent I've ever heard.

15th - 2017-04-24

I despise that news gulp.

"Learned a, well, buzzing lesson."

Doomstein - 2017-04-24

They're using the Gen-Am accent (Generic American) which replaced the old timey 1940's radio voice, which was called Mid-Atlantic/Trans-Atlantic, in broadcasting. Mid/Trans-Atlantic was the accent that wasonly used in the entertainment industry and boarding schools, which was a class/status thing then.

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