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chumbucket - 2017-10-13

3260 Shepherd of the Hills Expy, Branson, MO 65616

jangbones - 2017-10-13

RLM should bring Jessi back, she's funny

StanleyPain - 2017-10-13

Reliable rumor is that she just up and quit doing these with them because of all the gross asshole YT comments about how she's either too fat or not fat enough and the breaking point was the RLM reddit somehow getting a hold of pictures of her from her facebook or something and making a thread encouraging people to jack off on them or something. I love RLM, but I have accepted that their fanbase is, unfortunately, of the general "Rick and Morty" level.

Whatever happened, RLM refuses to discuss the issue and they get mighty pissed off when people bring it up in the PreRec livestreams and such.

fedex - 2017-10-13

I didn't know the Rick and Morty fanbase had fallen on such hard times.
I like the show. Most of the people I know who watch it like it too. I guess as it got more popular, it got more fans, which increased the LCD of YT idiots that partake in anything of growing popularity.

Spit Spingola - 2017-10-13

Rick and Morty hired some female writers last season because they were criticized for not having any and their brilliant fan base decided to give them the Gamergate treatment and harass and threaten them.

I also think Jessi was funny on Best of the Worst and in general I think it benefits comedy shows to have some diversity but there's a ton of people on the internet who disagree.

spikestoyiu - 2017-10-13

One of Rich's best laughs

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