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Comment count is 12
StanleyPain - 2017-12-05

It blows my mind they spent that much time talking about Surviving...and didn't even get to the great "I ain't gonna die in no ghetto" monologue.

betamaxed - 2017-12-05

Damnit, I was 100% going to show surviving edged weapons during my next MNR stream and these assholes just sniped me. Now I'll seem like a fucking poser for putting it on. 1 star!

Maggot Brain - 2017-12-06

Also long as they don't do Wolk and Twink we're good.

betamaxed - 2017-12-08

The "hardcore feelings" musical supercut of surviving edged weapons remains as my favorite internet video of all time


Caminante Nocturno - 2017-12-05

Watching them discover it is like discovering it yourself all over again.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2017-12-06

From the PoeTV hall of fame to the BotW hall of fame.

Scrimmjob - 2017-12-06

I've had a few people bring it up in the last few days. I was under the impression that every discerning internet person had seen this round about 2008 or whatever. We had it here, I'm pretty sure the found footage festival guys were showing it around the same time. Anyway, it's still funny!

Hooker - 2017-12-08

Yeah, choosy poeTVers choose Surviving Edged Weapons.

Centennial Ostrich - 2017-12-06

I can't believe so many people are fans of Surviving Edged Weapons and I'd never heard of it before. I found it on YouTube and watched the whole thing. Wow.

Marlon Brawndo - 2018-02-02

I feel the exact same way. It's a miracle of a video.

BHWW - 2017-12-06

It's even better than when they discovered "How to Get...Revenge!" hosted by Linda Blair.

TheInternetisFullofGenitals - 2019-03-11

This and WotW #4 are tied for my favourite.

The whole episode is gold. Not even Josh could bring it down.

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