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Comment count is 5
Hooper_X - 2007-05-27

What better way to introduce your product to the audience by featuring some lady who takes fashion tips from Jason Voorhees calling people honkies? (Also, the ridiculous slo-mo shot with that gimmicked chair is priceless.)

Hooker - 2007-05-27

Hooper_X is using up all wrestling clips credit for this week, and I was going to upload the sauna brawl. :(

-2 because I really hate GLOW.

Hooper_X - 2007-05-27

How can you hate GLOW? GLOW is the essence of POE-ness, man.

Hooker - 2007-05-27

Too much smarkiness, I guess. I have to balance my puro-ness with my poe-ness.

EvilHomer - 2007-05-27

Oh, holy crap. My grandpa used to watch this back when I was little, and I remember it scared the shit out of me. For some reason, I was convinced that those crazy chicks were gonna come after me and try to beat up my family with chairs and blowtorches. I never knew what the show was... until now.

Thanks, PoE, for dredging up old memories!

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