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Desc:The odds of any of these people not being virgins is quite frankly astronomical.
Category:Music Videos, Alternative Progressive Indie Art
Tags:a capella, not even cool enough for the marching band, carleton
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Comment count is 13
Hooper_X - 2007-06-05

This is what happens when you have a dozen kids who all want to sing in a band and none of them know how to play any instruments.

Also, this is a YTMND waiting to happen.

Menudo con queso - 2007-06-05

What happened to the good old days when kids channeled sexual frustration into binge-drinking or all-night dorm-room stoner philosophy discussions? I don't understand the youth of today.

kiint - 2007-06-06

this is the republican america

KnowFuture - 2007-06-06

The only cure for this is for the members of Daft Punk to show up and kill them.

kiint - 2007-06-06

with high-tech crossbows that shoot sleepy rays!

zatojones - 2007-06-06

acapella always gets one star

Feyd - 2007-06-06

Cleverness AND socializing? Oh, the humanity!

Hooper_X - 2007-06-06

if this is your idea of clever, sure.

athodyd - 2007-06-10

Feyd have you ever wondered why all of your opinions are objectively wrong?

Feyd - 2007-06-11

Oh my yes, sometimes I look at my life, the result of my decisions and opinions, and wonder how I could have possibly gone so far awry. How's life treating you, by the way?

William Burns - 2007-06-06

Cut it out.

Hooper_X - 2007-06-07


Chinballs - 2009-08-04

They must cover Phillip Glass!

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