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duck&cover - 2019-12-28

Also starring Amanda Donohoe, Catherine Oxenberg, and Peter Capaldi.

Old_Zircon - 2019-12-29

Ran out of space in the tags for them, but this is always the movie I associate Amanda Donohoe with the most.

And Hugh Grant, for that matter.

Binro the Heretic - 2019-12-29

I still love this weird fucking movie.

Old_Zircon - 2019-12-29

I was trying to estimate how many times I'd seen this movie last night and I couldn't. The first time I saw it was in maybe 9th grade, which was back in the early 90s because I'm an old man, and I'd say I average at least once every two years - it'd be more but I went for a few years in a row without watching it once in the late 00s/early 10s. I've watched it at least twice this year alone.

I can't believe this wasn't already on here but I couldn't find a hint of it.

love - 2019-12-29

I always thought this one was kind of special amongst Ken Russel films, really fun but not as exhausting as say, Lizstomania. Peter Cipaldi charming the 'snakes' with the bagpipes is such an iconic scene.

super fun movie and underhyped.

love - 2019-12-29

and like O.Z. don't really know how many times I've seen it but it's a family favorite at christmas time

betamaxed - 2019-12-30

I've always interpreted this movie as Ken Russell's take on the "action/horror/comedy" genre that sprung out the likes of Evil Dead 2. I often alternate between this and The Devils as my favorite of Russell's movies.

Old_Zircon - 2019-12-30

I've got a soft spot for Liszt-O-Mania but this one is probably the most fun and The Devils might be the most objectively "good" in the traditional sense (it reminds me a bit of what Pasolini was doing around the same time actually, but Russellized). I feel like LotWW is kind of the perfection of what he started with Gothic, too. I like Gothic a lot but it's nowhere near as satisfying.

This is the only Ken Russel movie I can think of that feels like it's unambiguously a genre movie, too, in a good way. It's definitely his take on horror-comedy like Beta said.

There really isn't a Ken Russell movie I don't like, though. Even that one shot on S-VHS around his house in the early 2000s that we watched a couple months back turned out to be good in its way. It was like his weird take on Dogme95 or something.

Anyhow, if there's an afterlife I hope Ken is getting to spend it listening to romantic era composers while dominatrixes in Nazi fetish gear step on him, because I have a feeling that's how he'd want to spend eternity.

cognitivedissonance - 2019-12-30

Russell won’t get respect until he’s dead.

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