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Crackersmack - 2021-09-16

This is another video where it appears that the woman is genuinely having a mental breakdown. There is no excuse for her getting physical, and recording her makes a lot of sense in this context for the protection of the person recording, but it seems unnecessarily cruel to share this to social media.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2021-09-16

Honestly, yeah. It's quite possible that this person should be arrested and I don't want to lose sight of the fact that the camerawoman is the wronged party, but her wails of utter despair do make me feel pretty sorry for her anyway.

Anaxagoras - 2021-09-17

No. Just no.

Using the most favorable possible reading of this, the white asshole is having a mental breakdown because she's finally, FINALLY, having to face the fact that she's a shitty human being. That can come as a blow to the best of us, and she is most definitely not the best of us. Fuck that lady.

And if we use the more likely reading of this situation, she's cynically play-acting the victim as a way of avoiding the consequences of her actions. We've all seen multiple instances of various white assholes shedding crocodile tears on command in order to avoid being called out on their racism. I suspect that's what this lady is doing.

Either way... fuck her.

Cena_mark - 2021-09-18

I'm glad it was posted on social media because it's the only way she'd face consequences. The police didn't do anything but send her home. Had the roles been reversed, the black woman would have been slammed to the floor and cuffed.

Crackersmack - 2021-09-18

Nah that's a legit mentally ill person having an episode. I would have recorded her too, because of course she could tell the cops anything if I didn't, but sharing it publicly is fucked up and wrong.

Crackersmack - 2021-09-18

5 stars for evil. There's a difference between power-tripping Karens and people that would probably behave normally with medication.

Cena_mark - 2021-09-19

Disagree. Not mentally Ill. Unless Karen is a mental illness

casualcollapse - 2022-12-24

Ok but do you have that same energy for Kanye.



Prosthetic_mind - 2021-09-16

5 stars for evil, this is the kind of shit that a hundred years ago would start lynchings or even massacres.

fedex - 2021-09-17

Plenty of evil to go around on this one, apparently.

Cena_mark - 2021-09-18

And now they'll cry that being filmed and exposed is like a lynching.

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