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Comment count is 7
exy - 2022-02-07

good summary

Nominal - 2022-02-08

That's actually a terrible summary.

-BOTH parties are the problem, maaaayun! Never mind that every problem we point out is highlighted by Republicans, those darn Democrats cozied up to those EDUCATED ELITES!!!

-Wisconsin did not become shitty until the 80s and 90s. Never mind a certain senator during the 40s and 50s.

-Gerrymandering is the problem. Never mind that we're sticking to pointing out governors (and omitting senators), in which gerrymandering plays no role. Wisconsinites voted for Walker THREE TIMES.

-Wisconsin is a SYMBOL, maaaaayun! Scotland! France! Germany! pablum pablum pablum pablum

+1 star because it can't be hammered enough how terrible Walker was

exy - 2022-02-08

ok, thanks

Spike Jonez - 2022-02-09

Good thing the house and senate are stacked with democrats so they can do *checks notes* the same shit Trump was doing.

cognitivedissonance - 2022-02-09

whatever it takes to distract you from the billionaires, i guess

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-08


Nominal - 2022-02-10

Also, what kind of self absorbed flyover bubble does someone have to be living in to take the idea of a former progressive utopia state ruined by Republican governor, then declare that WISCONSIN is the top example?

Can anyone think of a better example? Free state college tuition? Tossed out by horrible Republican governor? Bueller? Bueller?

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