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badideasinaction - 2022-02-18

Ski ballet was introduced with other freestyle skiing at the Olympics as demonstration sports, and I'm pretty sure the main reason was out of pity to give Canada a few more medals, demonstration or otherwise, because they seemed to give homer sports a demonstration one for morale (see their other demo sports of curling and short track speed skating).

Canada placed 4th in the men's and women's ski ballet and ended up with two silvers and three bronze in total for the games. But the aerials stuck around at least.

jfcaron_ca - 2022-02-18

My bff in junior high was in the Southern Alberta Freestyle Team and had to do ski ballet stuff until the mid 90s when it was dropped. Even as teenage boys we didn't see it as too effeminate or dumb, it was pretty challenging tbh.

My bff was this guy btw:

badideasinaction - 2022-02-19

I don't remember it having that bad of a rap at the time - maybe because Canada had the hopes of it being their winning sport we played it straight.

Sad ending for Jon there dude. Sounds like he had an eventful trip at least.

jfcaron_ca - 2022-02-20

Yeah he went out the way he wanted to live I think. I like that his parents thought *I* was the bad influence when we were teenagers.

Nominal - 2022-02-19

BMX freestyle with skis instead of a bike.

badideasinaction - 2022-02-20

Change the music, add a few more X games trappings and it would be.

Callamon - 2022-02-21

How very....French.

Enjoy - 2022-02-23

I believe 'ski ballet' is a linked tag. I posted the scene from Hotdog years ago.

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