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Desc:Ferrofluid in a rotating, in-plane magnetic field becomes weirdly organic shapes.
Category:Science & Technology, Arts
Tags:ferrofluid, fluid motion, Hele-Shaw, ferrohydrodynamics
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Comment count is 24
Ursa_minor - 2007-07-11

Fucking mindblowing. I wonder if they will let me come see this if I buy them a decent mic.

dementomstie - 2008-06-11

maybe it's filmed in Nollywood: Science Wing?

Angry Bear With A Laser - 2009-05-24

Its pretty sad to see a movie from MIT and it sounds like their using the mic from a cell phone

Xiphias - 2007-07-11


Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-06-28

Now go and do the math.

Oktay - 2012-07-10

Alan Turing beat you to it:


Urburos - 2007-07-11

I could watch this crap all day long.

fourthguy - 2007-07-12

something about this makes me nervous

dementomstie - 2008-06-11

Yeah, the one that looks like a brain freaked me out. Neat designs and all, but kind of freaky

kennydra - 2008-09-08

I feel the same way. Can't quite put my finger on it, but I just feel weird knowing that this can happen. It just doesn't make sense.

bopeton - 2007-07-16

I don't understand why it isn't symmetrical.

fluffy - 2008-04-17

Because the environment isn't perfectly uniform

RockBolt - 2007-07-16

!!! (-0:56)

sammitch - 2007-08-12

Added bonus: some people on the youtube discussion consider this some kind of sin against god.

APE_GOD - 2010-01-18

"it was totaly fake. It looks like it was draw on it by editing the movie."

Chalkdust - 2007-08-26

I want to give the final sequence a big hug, it's like a cute happy amoeba

Vicious - 2008-01-23

Shouldn't these guys be working on ways to send a man to Mars or something?

keinsignal - 2008-02-10

Oh, I see.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-03-16

What scientific field will this help mankind in? Nobody cares!

IrishWhiskey - 2009-01-26

The most important one: Wonder

Killer Joe - 2008-03-31

All those researchers now have badass tattoos based on these designs.

oogaBooga - 2008-05-27

Ferrofluid.. liquid with high iron content or somesuch? magnets.. etc..

Too sciency for me, I just like pretty designs.

Tyrathca - 2009-08-06

Looks like a surrealist animation.

Three Gee - 2010-05-20

was i the only person waiting for the swastiGET in the first section?

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