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Comment count is 9
Nominal - 2023-05-10

I tried starting JoJo but fizzled out after an episode and a half.

Is it supposed to be parody? I get inklings that it is, but it's so close to sincere anime that it got too baffling to tell. Sort of like if One Punch Man started with the season finale.

SolRo - 2023-05-10

If I remember right all JoJo starts out a little on the slow side before it does a double backflip through burning hoops over the shark

ashtar. - 2023-05-11

Not parody, camp.

Jeriko-1 - 2023-05-11

Jojo is like a slider bar that slowly and steadily moves towards batshit insanity. Until you reach a point where there's an entity that can turn off friction AND influence causality so friction-less objects will collide with you more. (A gum wrapper blown by the wind hitting your chest and crushing your rib cage for example.) And merely thinking about the entity too much is what makes it appear and attack you.

ashtar. - 2023-05-11

It's also incredibly homoerotic.

SolRo - 2023-05-11

Not incredibly

Fantastically homoerotic.

SolRo - 2023-05-11

AKA JoJos Ambiguously Gay Adventure

poorwill - 2023-05-12

it starts out as a pretty by-the-numbers shounen and changes a LOT in the second part. i've seen the first 4 parts and my fave was the 2nd one. i think most people prefer the 3rd? idk. it's cool but i wanted to like it more than i actually like it and feel that it *might* actually be best absorbed through out-of-context clips than actually properly following the story.

yogarfield - 2023-05-11

I get zero references, but Hitler's shoulderpads was enough for an lol and close tab.

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