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Comment count is 6
The Mothership - 2023-10-07

Nice one. Wish I had a lathe.

jfcaron_ca - 2023-10-07


Binro the Heretic - 2023-10-07

I have one of these. Not this exact model, but similar. The months are on a roller like the days of the week and there's no emblem.

It had been on my paternal grandfather's desk all through my childhood and I always thought it was cool. It was one of many little odds and ends I got after he passed.

I packed it away during a de-cluttering years ago. One of the legs had always been wiggly but it fully detached from the base one day and from then on it leaned to the side.

I always considered trying to fix it or get it fixed. I guess I need to do that.

duck&cover - 2023-10-07

I admire his dedication.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2023-10-08

Not nearly as good as some of the 'great's out there on youtube like My Mechanics. A bit of a messy job, and not a great job showing the finished product or how it works.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-10-08

I actually didnt know "My Mechanics"
recommend some more pls!

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