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Comment count is 13
kingarthur - 2007-08-12


Kharnov - 2007-08-13

I feel your pain.

coprolalia - 2007-08-12

Have my plastic retard baby, Shaye.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-08-12

Henry Darger in the afterlife.

Meatsack Jones - 2007-08-12

The CGI in this makes it a hundred times better than Washroom. I know, I have seen them all.

Lothar - 2007-08-12

YES!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE ULTIMATE doll murderer movie!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shaye St. John is a cinematic genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to stick doll heads in my bottle of Tide Free right now!!!!

StanleyPain - 2007-08-13

If more Shaye St. John shit was like this, I would be a bigger fan.

Camonk - 2007-11-22

What the crap was that and why has it entered all of my future nightmares

Gwago - 2008-02-16

Wow. I've probably never even heard of the drugs these people are on.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-02-29

I just about died laughing at this. What the hell is it!?

Vicious - 2008-03-12

Buffalo Bill's home movies.

revdrew - 2008-05-10

Auto five.

Urburos - 2009-01-22

"What the fuck did I watch?"

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