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Comment count is 20
futurebot - 2007-08-21

I'm surprised to see this on national television. On CNN, no less.

Mr. Quibble - 2007-08-21

Dobbs is only paying attention to this as part of his ongoing campaign of Mexican-hating. Notice how lavishly he praises the Canadian and American people, and all he has to say about the Mexicans is a dig at how there are 20 million of them in the US.

uekibachi - 2007-08-21

an oligarchy!?!? oh no. like the US has nothing even close to that.

SOCIALISTIC. OMG! someone stop this before the poor people start disappearing.

but i'm also surprised to see this on something as widely broadcast as cnn.

Xenocide - 2007-08-21

Crazy racist conspiracy theories? From Lou Dobbs? How unexpected!


I love how taken aback the reporter lady is by Lou's cranky old man rambling. You can almost hear her mentally rethinking her career path.

DMKA - 2007-08-21

Oh Louie, you and your Mexiphobia.

IrishWhiskey - 2007-08-21

He always tries to present himself as a "Man of the people" a working class stiff railing against the Washington, media and business elites.

Hey Lou, you are a Harvard educated, inside-Washington television anchor wearing a 3,000 dollar suit and a 100 dollar haircut. You are the elite.

And I still haven't forgiven Dobbs for saying its unpatriotic for Irish-Americans to celebrate St Patricks Day or any "non-American" holiday. Prick.

Xenocide - 2007-08-21

He is working for the people. Unless those people are Mexican. Or tolerant of Mexicans. Or patronize establishments or services that hire them. Or see them hanging around town and don't call INS on them immediately, regardless of their legal status. Or people who aren't Mexican but were not born in this country. Or people who were born in this country but who still uphold their ancestral culture and traditions. Or people who don't think a fifty-foot adamantium border wall with roving kill-bots is the best idea.

But if you're not one of those people, and also not a colored, he's working for you!

DMKA - 2007-08-21

In that case shouldn't he consider every major holiday aside of Independence Day and Thanksgiving un-patriotic?

Christmas, Halloween, Valentines Day, Easter...none of those are of American origin.

Knuckles - 2007-08-21

I am close friends with an illegal immigrant and know his family well. Each and every one of them is a thousand times better than this shell of a man.

Ersatz - 2007-08-21

-1 star for no mention of reptoids or the Rapture.

PegLegPete - 2007-08-21

What Dobbs said got really convoluted, especially towards the end of his speech. It was hard to tell if he was talking about illegal immigration, illegal immigration with resentment towards Mexico, or if he was talking about the SPP with or without resentment towards Mexico.

As an aside Miss Roman's closing comments for the report, and her subsequent "handing over" of the commentary to Dobbs when she said; US fears sovereignty etc..., Canada "liberals" fear for welfare etc.. and Mexico criticizes the US for thinking of ourselves reveals just really short, sloppy reporting and the kind of crap you'd expect news to try and start commentary on. Anyway.

I think that Dobbs was talking about the SPP and actually bashed the American public for letting monumentous (momentous?) plans that high ranking government officials and large influential companies devise, so easily pass the public eye. The mere fact that they plan such changes in such secrecy is not good for anyone, Mexican, US'ian, or Canadian in my view. Dobbs' omission of including that he thought Mexico should stand up to their government and stop the SPP as well as Canada and the US (though keep in mind he was given no reasons or facts that it would harm Mexico, such is "spin" in network news), and his previous statement that Mexico should be grateful to us that we supposedly take care of 20,000,000 of its people, raises red flags for some people and others to cry racism.

Really, the "Mexican press" point of view Miss Roman brought up is quite right. Why would we (the US) do anything against our gain? That is basically or policy with other foreign nations, or at least the apparent intention. But the "Mexican press" point also expresses ignorance on the issue and serves no real purpose other than to deface the US, create more volatility between our nations, and really just not get anything done about changing anything or thinking coherently about the issue. Furthermore there is not just a single, vague, voice on this issue in Mexico which leads me to hate on CNN because they can't report for shit, there are smart people in Mexico even if the media doesn't want to believe it.

So given this; Dobbs was responding to loaded criticism from a stupid Mexican reporter from a country that IS really fucked up reinforcing his self-righteous blathering, added with the era he grew up in, his obvious anti-illegal immigration stance, not including Mexico as much of a player for the SPP issue or flat out ignoring them and shitty reporting you get a better idea of whats going on. So we know that he's against the SPP, he has resentment for illegal immigration (and depending on his reasoning for it he's either racist, smart, or ignorant, but we don't know the reasoning), he appears to have little sympathy for Mexico and he didn't comment on how the SPP would affect Mexico or their involvement in it... in fact no one did. That's really all we know. Don't be so quick to call racist. Maybe he just hates the government of Mexico. And besides the clip was mostly about the SPP but it was delightfully twisted into how much Dobbs hates brown people. Shit is lazy.

Sorry about the redundancy. There's much more to be said, especially about illegal immigration but we need a better clip to start that up.

PegLegPete - 2007-08-21

Fuck I expect no one to read that, sorry.

Operation Cornflakes - 2007-08-21

Come on, Lou. Just scream "DEY TUK 'ER JERRRBS" and get it over with.

x - 2007-08-21

Why don't we just put mines along the Mexican border, roll the cameras, and then bet on who will and will not make it across? The profits could be used to help provide healthcare and housing for every illegal immigrant already here.

cognitivedissonance - 2007-08-21

Please, please PLEASE be your real opinion. Pleeeeeeeeease?

x - 2007-08-21


Menudo con queso - 2007-08-21

From a cunt who spent the 1990s kissing ass to the new gilded age's barons while the rest of us were screaming that it wasn't going to work, all this sounds very hollow.

It was the Mexican alternative and leftist press that was screaming bloody murder about loss of sovereignty for years in the early 90s! Learn to read Spanish sometime jowlface, and you might have clued in earlier. Oh wait, you're tired of being bowled over and stomped on by the all-powerful, unstoppable Mexican government, the juggernaut that controls the world.

Crook-ass Thief-President Carlos Salinas de Gortari altered their fucking revolutionary constitution of 1917 for NAFTA, but Dobbsy Wobbsy was too busy to notice, instead licking the ass of Citibank for buying out Banamex. "Do you think this will finally bring rationality to the Mexican banking system?" was his quote, I think. No! Just like everything else in this scam, it's going fuck even more Mexican workers and force them into the meatpacking plants of North Carolina!

Pobre Mexico, tan lejos de Dios, tan cerca de Lou Dobbs.

Jeez, just like Pegleg I involuntarily churned out a screed of hundreds of words. Hit me with the banhammer before I bloviate again.

Xenocide - 2007-08-21

Free tip: Don't one-star videos just because you don't agree with them.

Anyway, those are good points.

Menudo con queso - 2007-08-22

I one-star Dobbs cause he's a twat, it's an uncontrollable reflex. I'd stop if I could. But I guess craptacular's the only one who gets hurt, right?

zatojones - 2007-08-22

Americanism is a matter of the mind and the heart; Americanism is not, and never was, a matter of race or ancestry.

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