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Comment count is 9
davinciclone - 2008-02-21

Technically yeah, it's a music video, but I submitted it more for the historical aspect of the clip than for just being a rather nice live version of "Under My Thumb". I only recently saw "Gimme Shelter" and had no idea that film of the actual stabbing existed.

FISTFULLofSOUL - 2008-02-21

"hey keith, why don't we get the angels to sort out security?"
"far out mick, that'll keep those hippies away from us"

zatojones - 2008-02-21

Who would have thought that a crowd of cranky, drugged up hedonists and a drunk biker gang didn't mix?

FISTFULLofSOUL - 2008-02-21

you say that..but remember Hunter S Thompson introduced the Angels to LSD at Ken Kesey's place and by all accounts the Merry Pranksters got along famously!

Roachbud - 2008-02-21

That and the Angels sell drugs all the time

FISTFULLofSOUL - 2008-02-21

yeah that reminds me...he's late

snothouse - 2008-02-21

The Angels were also being paid in unlimited beer.

swickape - 2008-02-22

Five stars for the bearded freak who gets on stage next to Mick at -5:04.

Gill_Sans - 2008-02-22


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