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Comment count is 10
kiint - 2008-03-27

wow great find! said the hobbit geek in me

cognitivedissonance - 2008-03-27

Ugh, Tolkien poetry, skip 20 pages.

StanleyPain - 2008-03-27

Yeah, LOTR is a great read, but every 30-40 pages or so comes "and then they sang" or "and so he recited a poem of old" and right there is an automatic SKIP UNTIL THERE IS NO MORE ITALIC TEXT.

zatojones - 2008-03-27

this is the only way to finish the Lord of the Rings books and retain a pleasant memory of the experience

Dib - 2008-03-28

But you have to appreciate that kind of effort.

Hodge - 2008-03-27

I have no idea what to give this so I'll just play it safe and give it a three.

anvill - 2008-03-27

Worth looking at if only for the picture that comes up about a minute in.

Rovin - 2008-03-27

That picture always reminds me of some old joke title I read somewhere that was, "Tom Bombadil's Adventures in the Forest of Faggotry" or something.

In terms of Lord of the Rings... WHAT an awkward, out-of-place character. Beginning - drudging, leading to dark and deadly. Middle to end, save the meeting at Elrond's house - dark and deadly. And then you've got the oddness of Bombadil right smack halfway through the first book...

That picture is the easy response to any Tolkien die-hard who gets all pissed off over why Bombadil wasn't included in Jackson's films.

asian hick - 2008-03-27

this is the gayest thing ever written by anyone.

TheDevilsDictionary - 2008-03-27

At 5:25: Is that from lotro or what.

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