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Comment count is 23
SolRo - 2008-04-28

This is a dupe

SolRo - 2008-04-28


halon - 2008-04-28


Meerkat - 2008-04-28

Not as shameful as the Handjob Hyacinth or the Licking Lilac.

gambol - 2008-04-28

I did not know that.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2008-04-28

I always thought there was something familiar about orchids.

jangbones - 2008-04-28

Methinks Sandrine needs to learn more about ejakalation.

glasseye - 2008-04-28

Those flowers had better watch out for horny toads.

delicatessen - 2008-04-28

Who else is turned on when Sandrine Ceurstemont uses the word "ejaculate"?

afp3683 - 2008-04-28

I'd fuck a flower.

AgentOrange - 2008-04-28


baleen - 2008-04-28

Yeah I just wanted to hear her say that over and over and over again.

coprolalia - 2008-04-28

I brings a ruckus to the ladies.

Camonk - 2008-04-28

I was amused, repulsed, and educated. That's pretty much the perfect one minute video, right there.

Twitch - 2008-04-28

Hooray for education! And ejaculate-shun!

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-05-05

Living things are disgusting.

FABIO2 - 2008-09-30

And then they needed a microscope to see my ejaculate =(

dementomstie - 2008-10-01

My mind is blown. Way to go nature, that is the strangest thing I've seen on here for at least a month.

oogaBooga - 2008-10-14

75% of the time? So 25% of the time the orchid complains of a headache or somesuch?

oogaBooga - 2009-04-12

Flowers: Nature's Fuckholes for Fake Bees

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-05-28

Nature, you're weird. :[

Sanest Man Alive - 2011-11-29

Consider this: not only is the wasp fucking the flower, the flower is using the wasp to fuck other flowers (while the wasp fucks them, presumably).
We have so much to learn from nature.

Sanest Man Alive - 2011-11-29

Oh and have these stars, I found them attached to my abdomen earlier.

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