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Comment count is 12
Frank Rizzo - 2008-05-10

wow thats some extreme putting on of pants

baleen - 2008-05-10

The things gay hipsters get up to when left to their own devices.
I'm going to predict that a major jeans company is going to steal this or hire them to remake this for MTV watching children.

AgentOrange - 2008-05-10

Damn you Klint! I posted this first, and with a more appealing title!

ponpoko - 2008-05-10

pantstastic indeed

AgentOrange - 2008-05-10

Side note, why does Positively one star every fucking thing?

AgentOrange - 2008-05-10

Whoops nevermind, confused him for another poster. Sill though, how can you hate this?

a flaming monkey - 2008-05-11

Your comment makes me hate it.

Just kidding. The seesaw back-flip earned my undying love.

egglab - 2008-05-10

boo for viral marketing.

http://gawker.com/388783/how-levis-jeans-duped-the-internet-wi th-their-new-secret-ad

a flaming monkey - 2008-05-11

so ....what?

KillerGazebo - 2008-05-11

Damn it egglab! Why couldn't you have posted your comment earlier. It would have saved me 00 dollars in Levis Jeans! By jove, I should have figured out I'd been duped by the 30th pair!

TinManic - 2008-05-11

yeah, i thought it was odd to see a group of four guys all of whom were apparently gymnasts.

fluffy - 2009-01-31

I love the triumphant fist-pumping after every single one.

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