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Comment count is 12
ponpoko - 2008-05-16

make sure that when the shit hit the water, and if you stank real bad, WHOOOSH

Syd Midnight - 2008-05-17

Alexyss Tylor is a national treasure.

klingerbgoode - 2008-05-16

when you meet a nigga.

halon - 2008-05-16

balls in her jaws
nuts in her guts

Also, she just suggested that you mix bleach and ammonia in a spray bottle, and then SPRAY IT IN YOUR ASS to manage stinky poops. She is not long for this world.

anvill - 2008-05-16

And she doesn't just mention it in passing, she puts it out there as the magic bullet cure for stank. Awesome.

boner - 2008-05-16

I will alert MythBusters

love - 2008-05-16

-1 because mom is not there with her.

Syd Midnight - 2008-05-17

I do miss her mom acting as Greek Chorus. "PAMPERS?!"

DerangedGoblin - 2008-05-17

She is amazing..
Things Alexyss Tylor has taught me:
1. Dick will make you slap some body.
2. It is wrong to allow men to smell "pussy juice," but not be okay with them smelling "fumes from yo ass"
3. You have to hit the bottom.
4. A wedding ring is a noose around the nuts.

DerangedGoblin - 2008-05-17

I meant to start that with "I ain't know about this pussy police," so it was originally relevant...

SpookyElectric - 2008-05-16

4 stars just for the pre-load image, where it looks like she just let go of her bowels

and liked it

a lot

Xenocide - 2008-05-17

"Dude how come women don't run the world."

"Cause they care how their shit smells."

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