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Comment count is 24
Dicknuts - 2008-07-16


baleen - 2008-07-16


Xenocide - 2008-07-16



Ersatz - 2008-07-16

They should've printed it in the New Yorker.

gambol - 2008-07-16

'Front page dupe' tag.

Godard's Drinking Problem - 2008-07-17

Is that a first? It's got to be a first.

gambol - 2008-07-17

Not a first

Camonk - 2008-07-16

I was scared when I saw the anchor--afraid it was in my home town. But no, it's New Braunfels, which I mean a central Texas town with a german name full of racists? NO WAY! New Braunfels is horrible.

Lindner - 2008-07-16

... yeah. I was scared too.

Unfortunately, it IS my hometown.

colander - 2008-07-16

this is a scourge far worse even than racism.

it levels empires and destroys the human spirit.

it is probably the one and only thing that has a chance at literally killing the very concept of hope.

its name:

ignorance of dumb internet jokes

Big Name Celebrity - 2008-07-17

Damn right New Braunfels sucks. How can a town founded by German immigrants fail even to have ONE decent German restaurant?

Can we nuke it while still preserving Schlitterbahn and Gruene?

kelpfoot - 2008-07-17

I don't believe New Braunfels is as bad as you say. Nothing started by Germans could end so horribly.

petep - 2008-07-16

Racism Grandmother Pool Afro killed my dog

MYNAME - 2008-07-16

Come on, it's not such a large afro.

Jeriko-1 - 2008-07-16

They were just trying to protect you from the AIDS!

CornOnTheCabre - 2008-07-16

oh man, some 16 year old is having the time of his fucking life right now

phalsebob - 2008-07-17

Man, those were the days. Drugs, vandalism, insolence, and posting amusing flyers of guys with wicked 'fros.

tamago - 2008-07-16

Oh 4Chan -_-

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-07-17

I wonder how she would've reacted to a picture of Suiseiseki demanding more DESU.

Ranma X. - 2008-07-17

Hell, what about that old chestnut, Cracky-chan?

Jeff Fries - 2008-07-17

That's not how it's supposed to work, you're supposed to fill the pool with so many black people that no one else can enter.

zatojones - 2008-07-17

an AFRO you say?!

Frank Rizzo - 2008-07-17

"racism floating around pool"

Maggot Brain - 2008-07-17

That was so much better then I thought I would be.

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