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13.5 - 2008-08-10

"So what you got like a guy in the audience picking 'em out?"
"Yahyahyah Igotlike fiveofemthaudience pikinmout"

Dib - 2008-08-10

This is kind of low even for him. And he doesn't even realize the other guy is just fucking with him, and convinced she's so attracted to him while acting like a douche.

Yeah, how's that Creed money holding up? Don't believe what anybody says, it will last forever so keep going the way you've been going.

Justin Dohrmann - 2008-08-10

I thought getting his ass kicked by 311 was the all time low?

Dib - 2008-08-10

No, this is way lower. He was brought on here to supply a train wreck. Who wants to bet they even made certain the room before the show was well stocked?

waxeater - 2008-08-10

Actually, this incident predates the 311 beating.

Hooper_X - 2008-08-15


KnowFuture - 2008-08-10

I like to think there's one really rich really stupid person out there who bought all of the 50 million copies.

kingarthur - 2008-08-10

We can dream.

Fortunately, his solo album took two years to go platinum and in today's recording industry, that pretty much means you're finished.

Unfortunately, this means that 500,000 people per year are willing to pay for his music.

heyitslozeau - 2008-08-10

that guy from the sopranos or some shit reminds me of me around super drunk people.

zatojones - 2008-08-11

It's one thing to be an out of control lead singer. It's a whole nother thing to be an out of control lead singer of a horrible, horrible stealth Christian rock band.

Camonk - 2008-08-11

Thanks for the words, man.

chumbucket - 2008-08-11

look ma! I'm on tv and totally TRASHED!

DopeFiend - 2008-12-05

Horribly humiliating and pathetic. I've been there (though not on national TV, thank God) and it makes me cringe. The Sopranos guy ends up looking like a snide douche, too.

jerrysp702 - 2009-01-18

I'm tired of Dan Bronson telling me what I do or don't need to know

Big Muddy - 2010-02-10

Worth it just to see "Copyright Claim by Papa Roach LLC".

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