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Comment count is 10
Mad Struggle - 2008-09-12

#5 is a must watch. ENOUGH.

Five stars for sucking away years of my life.

Mad Struggle - 2008-09-12

Oops, meant #6.

FABIO - 2008-09-12

Diablo 2 was the last Blizzard game before they decided their cutscenes should be all about nothing ever happening.

The Great Hippo - 2008-09-12

The story with Marius--and Baal's character designs--are all around awesome, especially for a video game.

I was let down just how much they dropped the ball with Baal as a character *in* Lord of Destruction, though. They set him up as this really interesting plotter and he turns out to just be another Diablo with different graphics.

The Great Hippo - 2008-09-12

Wasn't meant to be a reply. Oh well.

Camonk - 2008-09-12

I was right about to make a remark about how everything Blizzard does is overrated and trite. But uh yeah these were so good. I'd forgotten how good they were. Apologies to my friend who's working on cutscenes and Blizzard right now but... man, Blur is kicking their ass.

FABIO2 - 2008-09-13

Looking forward to Diablo 3 and its cutscenes with nothing happening telling the story of how the angels are really evil, and the demons were just being controlled through the dreams of sleeping space paladins flying around space in their golden 737s.

Desidiosus - 2008-09-12

I sank enough time into Diablo 2 to get every character class into Act V, then gave up once I'd beat Baal with the assassin. I really didn't want to go through those fucking lightning bugs two more times.

But yeah, watching all the cinematics was awesome.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-09-13

The first Diablo pissed me off so much, that I'll never play anything Blizzard makes that isn't Starcraft.

Those are nice cutscenes, though. I have to concede that much.

oddeye - 2014-03-21

I like how the dude just chills while the shit hits the fan and then afterwards he casually drops the pipe like that might have been the cause for the inn burning down and the wholesale slaughter of peasant and dwarf alike.

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