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Comment count is 21
kennydra - 2008-12-11

This is the kind of woman that needs to be on wife swap/trading spouses.

Except there is no daddy in this equation, I'm just about sure.

zatojones - 2008-12-11

of course you could do better. them snaps was weak

voodoo_pork - 2008-12-11

Did they have to flash their prepubescent non-tits for those beads?

baleen - 2008-12-11

good kids, good kids.

rev.dinosaur - 2008-12-11

Where you fat at?

fatatty - 2008-12-11

My ayuss.

chumbucket - 2008-12-11

hip holdin', head bobbin', hoodie openin', cuss talkin' little angels

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-12-11

Future Ditchdiggers of America.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-12-12

I think your expectations are a little high, Caminante.

SixDigitDebt - 2012-01-28

That implies they would be employed.

Boxhead - 2008-12-11

Hell, I wish I'd had a parent willing to teach me some proper snap technique as a dorky elementary student. This is no different than teaching your kid how to throw a proper punch.

As it was I felt that swearing was something a proper person didn't need to do to make a point and sprained my thumb my first fight.

I'll always know that I was the better person though. Which kept me great comfort when I was crying in my bedroom after school.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-12-11

Teaching your child to make their school years to be the high point of their lives is not a good thing.

charmlessman - 2008-12-11

Those girls have a bright, bright future.

dichotic1 - 2008-12-11

hurricanes typically cause it to become very dark.

erratic - 2008-12-11

baffled by the "4 easy payments" watermark. What does it mean? Is this an advertisement? Is this video a demonstration of what one lucky buyer will get in exchange for money?

DMKA - 2008-12-11

I suddenly feel incredibly racist.


thatonegirl - 2008-12-11

Nice. So, has this mom very proudly filmed her girls kicking each other's ass?

Hooper_X - 2008-12-11



Frank Rizzo - 2008-12-11


Old People - 2011-12-04


libby1217 - 2008-12-14

wow...they are some really nice girls you got there.....they will get far in this lifetime i'm sure.....keep teaching them to be racist and ignorant and they will develop totally...

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