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Comment count is 19
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-02-02

This is a future tragedy waiting to happen.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-02-02

I mean future news tragedy.

Because this is a tragedy now as well.

tokiyojimbo - 2009-02-02

So that's how Slaaneshi tanks are powered, right?

Innocent Bystander - 2009-02-02

Very turned on right now.

CharlesSmith - 2009-02-02

You'd have to be seriously into human hamster wheels to be able to masturbate to this in spite of the monotonous british narration. But I guess if your fetish is that absurdly specific you take what you can get.

GiantAtomicFreak - 2009-02-02

I don't even understand when you masturbate to this. Do you do it at the planning stage like an evil genius? Or is that where all the men wander off too once they've set the wheel going? Or maybe you're supposed to masturbate to the hours of video you now have of a woman silently questioning the decisions she made that led to her walking around a giant hamster wheel?

Either way, it must be really difficult to ignore the little voice that would be screaming about what a creepy fuckface you were in all that silence.

Innocent Bystander - 2009-02-02

The wheel isn't the fetish. It's the humiliation and the tying up and the control and the ow ow with the hurting and the spanking and the roping with the safeword and the master person.

Paracelsus - 2009-02-02

It's not a fetish per se, it's a subculture. As you say, creepy fuckface A finds creepy fuckface B and...well...

GiantAtomicFreak - 2009-02-02

I would have thought the downfall of this fetish would be the large amounts of quiet time in which the people involved could reflect on exactly what the fuck they were doing.

wtf japan - 2009-02-02

There's this thing out now called compartmentalization....

punch drunk babies - 2009-02-02

What was this?! I missed it :(

Camonk - 2009-02-02

I know! I'm so sad. I hope it gets resubmitted.

GiantAtomicFreak - 2009-02-02

It's a video of a lady being forced to walk on a giant hamster wheel while the idiot who built the giant hamster wheel explains where he got the idea to pay women to walk around in his giant hamster wheel.

No one seems to having a very nice time, even the guy who in theory likes making women walk around in giant hamster wheels. It's as though some one told him to sum up his sexual subculture as negatively as he could while referencing Greek mythology as much as possible.

Camonk - 2009-02-02

Man, you're only making it worse that we couldn't see it with that description.

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-02-02

Dammit dammit dammit! This was relevant to my interests.

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-02-02

Just went to HouseOfGord.com and holy shit that is some 5 star crazy right there. This is not relevant to my interests after all.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-02-03

Know what? Other than the weird costumed people inside it, the house of Gord is a really nice house!

themilkshark - 2009-02-03

The account that hosted the video was maintained by one of the Gord models. Looks like the whole account was suspended and there was nothing explicit about the videos... Youtube's run by a bunch of nazi assholes.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-02-03

Nah, those guys dig punishment.

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