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Desc:International fourth graders demonstrate their unique understanding of metaphor.
Category:Educational, Humor
Tags:children, kids, metaphors, i am i said
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Comment count is 15
Urburos - 2009-03-04

How cute.

buttnutt - 2009-03-04

What a creepy teacher

baleen - 2009-03-04


gmol - 2009-03-04

"I am a light, I never turn myself off..."


TeenerTot - 2009-03-04

I am fire. My energy never stops burning.

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-03-05

That kid is new age spawn, confiscate her crystals and give her a cheeseburger!

-1 star for traffic girl not being black.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-03-04

I was hoping one of them would bust out a Bible quote and start doing their impersonation of a god.

Lindner - 2009-03-04

"I am a computer. I am allergic to water."

... that explains the smell from the IT department.

Comeuppance - 2009-03-04

Mountains don't like to climb. They don't like anything. They're rocks.
Candy jars aren't sweet. They're jars.
Fires go out when their energy source is gone.

Having a kid say he's slow is pretty evil.

dementomstie - 2009-03-04

I'll agree with the second and third comments, but she said she was a mountain goat, which are apparently up for challenges. Does this also mean she eats tin cans?

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-03-05

Candy jars can be sweet if you lick the inside of them after all of the candy is gone.

Comeuppance - 2009-03-05

Oh, she said goat?
My mistake.

TeenerTot - 2009-03-05

"Oh, she said goat? My mistake."

Whoa! That phrase brought back a helluva flashback.

fermun - 2009-03-05

I am a Santa Claus.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2009-03-05

I just came back from working at a school for special needs kids. I have nothing bad to say about except the teacher needs to find a tripod.

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