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Comment count is 9
Lindner - 2009-04-15

He just... never runs out of crazy, does he?

Cleaner82 - 2009-04-15


StanleyPain - 2009-04-15

This from the man who did a 20 minute video about "why some women need to be murdered" and why "it's their fault if they are."

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2009-04-15

I love this man.

Jeriko-1 - 2009-04-15

This is actually starting to disturb me a bit with the tone some of these video blogs are taking.

Chancho - 2009-04-15

I was expecting a SWAT team to burst through the window and finally take him down. I'm pretty sure he's got some bodies buried in his yard.

William Burns - 2009-04-15

I read the ED article about Tony48219 and I still can't figure out what the hell he's talking about. He sounds like a less articulate, angrier and even more medicated version of Raleigh Theodore Sakers.

In all seriousness, this guy has some horrible emotional issues and I dearly hope that law enforcement is keeping tabs on him.

Rovin - 2009-04-15

Just wait, Bill now has an online girlfriend (submitted that one to the hopper yesterday). Salvation.... or DAMNATION? To be continued......

joyofdiscord - 2009-04-15

I swear to God I literally caught a whiff of that musty stench of depressed, middle-aged forced loneliness that undoubtedly pervades his hip puppy-postered pad.

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