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Comment count is 9
joelkazoo - 2009-05-20

Andy Richter. I just can't not like the man!

CornOnTheCabre - 2009-05-20

It's tragic how great of a show this was despite having one of the worst soundtracks in television history.

Like, I'm actually pretty sure that's why it got cancelled.

Merzbau - 2009-05-20

Good god, you're right- that is incredibly intrusive. WACKY SKA! LAUGH NOW!

zatojones - 2009-05-20

oh he's comin' alright

Camonk - 2009-05-20

Hitler was a kind of a dick in that cameo, because he didn't go Oh right, you got me dogg, excellent detective work.

I'm saying this might fit into dick cameo week or whatever it is you kids have going on at the front page this week.

Frank Rizzo - 2009-05-20

Why did I not watch this show?

toot sweet.

fluffy - 2009-05-20

I always forgot when it was on.

chumbucket - 2009-05-20

sadly missed by yours truly

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-05-20

Why the fuck was this show cancelled?

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