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Comment count is 14
cognitivedissonance - 2009-08-01

There's some mighty intense phallic imagery coming from the Pin-Cushion Man.

fluffy - 2009-08-01

Is this the root of balloon fetishism?

MrBuddy - 2009-08-01

Ironically he's supposed to be a safety pin, but yes it does look like he's standing around with a giant erection doesn't it?

Freeman Gordon - 2009-08-01

Condoms are of no use to him.

Xenocide - 2009-08-01

More cartoons need to end with the villain going on a killing spree.

duck&cover - 2009-08-01

They always seem to have a lot of celebrity cameos in these old cartoons.

Chalkdust - 2009-08-01

so who else originally saw this on Pee-Wee's Playhouse?

Hay Belly - 2009-08-01

Noooooooooooo I hate this thing.

It was on the HBO special he did.

Spastic Avenger - 2009-08-01

I'm surprised there aren't more cows and buxom women about knowing Ubbe Iwwerks fascination with udders and boobs.

Pillager - 2009-08-01

We don't know what was censored...

Camonk - 2009-08-01

Man, what is with the demeaning description? "Oh I thought all you guys who were EXPERTS would already KNOW about this but I guess I'll have to teach you, you flipper-handed retard babies!"

EyeViolence - 2009-08-01

Besides, cartoons are for alpha males. ALPHA MALES!

Merzbau - 2009-08-01


Creeps - 2009-08-01

At least the kitten went quick, Billy.

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