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Comment count is 29
oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2009-07-06

I don't want to know after how many viewings this will become boring. Hasn't yet.

kennydra - 2009-07-06

flawless. the second angle/slo-mo killed me. i can't help thinking how this would be a much better prank if the victim was alone in the room, or if the only onlookers weren't in on it.

i await followup.

Baby Finster - 2009-07-06

-1 star because spinal trauma.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2009-07-06

yeah the table thing out front was a bad idea

Camonk - 2009-07-06

You pussies. He's kicking his legs as he writhes in pain, so he's fine.
Fucking Sally Struthers generation. I swear.

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-07-06

Are you kidding? The obvious compression of the spine on the second angle slo-mo is what made this worth five!

Syd Midnight - 2009-07-07

The pain signals don't even reach his brain until he's at the aphelion of his flight

duck&cover - 2009-07-07

"Colostomy bags from now on for you, dude!"

The Mothership - 2009-07-07

That model year jackass has lumbar crumple zones. I also loved the 'beep' and pause before the crunch.

The Townleybomb - 2009-07-06


Sudan no1 - 2009-07-06

more like "airbag under a douche!"

Chinballs - 2009-07-07



HankFinch - 2009-07-07

Rectum? nearly killed 'um!

Elvis Hitler - 2010-08-15

Have my stars.

Huskerdu324 - 2009-07-07

Putting this in my library under, 2010 April Fools joke.

spikestoyiu - 2009-07-07

The stupid pose he strikes just before liftoff is really what makes it for me.

Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2009-07-07

yes yes yes yes yes instant classic

more of this please

manfred - 2009-07-07

i have always dreamed of an airbag blowing up in my face

Frank Rizzo - 2009-07-07

drive fast into a wall

Longshot- - 2009-07-07

I want to see him take the airbag to the balls.

"Ouch! My Balls!"


8bitwintermute - 2009-07-07

Worth ruining a spine for

Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2009-07-07

ps anyone giving this less than 5 stars is dead to me

fluffy - 2009-07-10


citrusmirakel - 2009-07-10


thirteen3seven - 2009-07-13

They forgot to shit on his chest and run.

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2009-12-03

The only thing that could top this is having shiny confetti blow out of the airbag at the same time.


tamago - 2009-12-04

Much better prank than the "Dump something disgusting on my girlfriend" kind.

sparklefatty - 2010-05-15

An IED for stoners.

APE_GOD - 2010-06-05

First time I have not hated a replay.

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