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Comment count is 16
Adham Nu'man - 2009-09-16

I felt like the woman in The Shining when she stumbles on the bearsuit-on-butler fellatio.

NovaPolice - 2009-09-16

Look, the truth might not be pleasant, but you people need to know how cup noodles are actually produced.

mashedtater - 2009-09-16

and with that, the cries of a million college students rang out then went silent.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-09-16

Tomato Girl will be in my dreams tonight.

Those dreams will not be nightmares.

HankFinch - 2009-09-16

Might they be dreams within dreams?

MongoMcMichael - 2009-09-16

Your comment will be in my dreams tonight.

Those dreams will be nightmares.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-09-16

You're going to wake up with garlic breath after she massacres the other two and makes noodles from their twitching bodies.

On the other hand this is a totally legitimate thing to do to a vegetable.

Maggot Brain - 2009-09-16

I have never seen the ending to Eyes Wide Shut yet now I feel that I have.

B_Ko - 2009-09-16

These better be the new enemies in Resident Evil 6.

Goethe and ernie - 2009-09-16

I'm not convinced that Japan isn't just doing this to act up to our expectations. I mean, nobody's that creepy, right?

godot - 2009-09-16

There's an internet viral marketing echo-chamber. And I'm trapped inside...side...side...side

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-09-16

Aliens came. They brought noodles.

Mind control noodles.

They were ok.

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2009-09-16

Cup of noodles has enough salt to kill a giant camel

Walker - 2009-09-16

Hooray for Halloween Costume Inspiration!

Squeamish - 2009-09-21

Man, Megaman's villains are going downhill.

zatojones - 2009-10-06

it bugs me that tomato lady is standing in that stupid pigeon toed stance Japanese women affect

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