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Comment count is 5
splatterbabble - 2009-10-11

"Zipperhead"? Really? Was "mongoloid" out on vacation? Did "douche bag" call in sick? I guess "flaming fuck weasel" got fired.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-10-11

Did you Gran Turino? Half the dialogue is clint eastwood saying "zipperhead"

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-10-11

I had no idea this movie existed until just now.

Rudy - 2009-10-12

Merv Griffin! Jerry Lewis! Marty Feldman! Orson Welles! How did this not get a DVD release?

Oh. Oh, right. The racism.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-10-12

The book is great. Modern society is in ruins, but it isn't really a dystopia, it just that the book happened to have a funky setting. The Chinese population shrink themselves and become airborne.

The movie is distilled evil.

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