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Comment count is 28
Caminante Nocturno - 2009-10-20

This is fascinating and all, but all of my stars are for 1:14.

TeenerTot - 2009-10-21

Yeah...at that point, I thought for sure this was a joke.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-10-20

The machine can not produce the particle because it created the particle and the particle made the machine not work. wut

simon666 - 2009-10-21

From Slashdot today:

Following up our earlier discussion of the theory that the Higgs boson might time-travel to avoid being found, reader gpronger notes an interview with MIT (and LHC) physicist Steven Nahn, in which he comments on Nielsen and Ninomiya's unlikely-sounding theory. "The premise is fairly crazy, but many things in physics are constructed that way... The difference here is that... previous 'crazy' ideas gave consequences that were clearly testable and attestable to the new nature of the theory, in an objective manner, and involved the behavior of inanimate objects (i.e., not humans). However, in this case, the consequences seem quite contrived... Exactly in line with their argument, I could say that Nature abhors the Chicago Cubs, such that the theory which describes the evolution of our universe prescribed Steve Bartman to interfere on October 14, 2003, extending the 'bad luck' of the Cubbies."

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2009-10-20

5 for the YouTube comments alone.

Frank Rizzo - 2009-10-20

as always

kingarthur - 2009-10-21

samisyosam (26 minutes ago)
People forget the fact that there are particle collisions in magnitudes of power that instantly dwarf the ability of this particle collider happening right now in our upper atmosphere.

The only thing this machine really does is do it's damnedest to measure one of these collisions created in a controlled setting.

Alfrunk (2 hours ago)
Would they be worms??

Alfrunk (2 hours ago)
So there is an ex keyboard player for a shitty 90's pop band and a guy who tried to work for al qaeda at work on this project. That's comforting. I guess 'prof' keyboard called anyone who believes this theory a 'twat'. Wow, what a great brain trust we have going on with this colossal waste of money. Meanwhile, canse goes uncured...

Bloodgod40 (5 hours ago)
This theory is stupid.

rollsthepaul (12 hours ago)
The assertions in this video are absolutely correct. God will not let this thing operate because he is caring for us who don't understand what we are playing with. God will explain all of this to us eventually. He/she is a being that we are supposed to know personally and intimately; we are part of him/her so why would he/she do anything but care for us in a loving way? There is lots of info if you are interested. Nothing is supposed to be hidden or secretive and neither come from The One.

jklyank (12 hours ago)

Alfrunk (2 hours ago)
"we are part of him/her so why would he/she do anything but care for us in a loving way"

Poop and bacteria are a part of us. Do you love poop and bacteria?

Greatest. Youtube comments. Ever.

baleen - 2009-10-21

samisyosam is a poetv user.

fatatty - 2009-10-21

Meanwhile, canse goes uncured...

Anti-Pope - 2009-10-21

So that's why samisyosam is correct.

Gmork - 2014-06-04

"rollsthepaul" made me angry with his ambiguous feel-good pseudo-religious nonsense

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-10-20

Fitting accent.

kingarthur - 2009-10-21

Physicists accidentally leak spoilers for Lost...

Syd Midnight - 2009-10-22

This happened in some sci-fi series I read once. Humans couldn't build some FTL engine because if they ever did they'd misuse it and erase their whole universe, so all that was left was alternate universes in which the thing somehow never worked. So they stopped trying and made a kickass weapon out of it instead.

Yeah it's BS but its the kind of thing that humorously riles up Alex Jones listeners.

Redlof - 2009-10-21

"Hey, it could be true. Prove me wrong!" is now considered a good scientific theory. God help us all.

kingofthenothing - 2009-10-21

it's a good scientific theory to people who don't know what science is, or what a theory means in the context of science (as opposed to the context of a shitty cop show on USA).

GlennFinito - 2009-10-21

auto five for Helger Bech-Nielsen... I've seen some of his lectures online and his cadence and verbal rythm makes it awesome every time.

kennydra - 2009-10-21

i love poop and bacteria.

i.....i've said too much.

Riskbreaker - 2009-10-21

I'm surprised there are no comments on youtube about this being a reptilian/nwo conspiracy of sorts.

Time Travel Mishap - 2009-10-21

Oh crap that's right that's where i left my keys.

Beyonce Knowles - 2009-10-21

Danish people shouldn't speak english.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-10-21

I was rolling through the whole portion.

GlennFinito - 2009-10-21

Actually Holger Bech Nielsen SPEAKS funny EVEN for a DaNE..

No seriously, I would put some of them in the hopper if you guys understood Danish.

crotchy - 2009-10-21

�We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question that divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct.�

Also, hurray for Channel 4 News.

Paracelsus - 2009-10-21

I don't believe this thing is going to cause gigantic black holes and what not, but I'm also ok with some dude throwing a wrench into it now and then to keep it from becoming operational. Just in case.

Anti-Pope - 2009-10-21

FuCk YoU. I hope you die in a fire. You know just in case.

Paracelsus - 2009-10-22

I'm overwhelmed by your brilliance, which is clearly represented as well in your capitalization style choices.

Kingofthehobos - 2009-10-21

why does he have a super villian for a shadow?

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