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Desc:Never wear a red shirt around this
Category:Science & Technology
Tags:Force Field, high voltage, laser induced plasma channel, massive corridor taser, http://ionatron.com/laser-guided-energy.asp
Submitted:Big Beef Burritos Supreme
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Comment count is 25
Urburos - 2009-10-25

Your friendly neighborhood underground detention facility welcomes you to explore the possibilities of SCIENCE!

MrBuddy - 2009-10-25

Don't get me wrong, I mean that's really cool and everything but... wouldn't it be easier to use a door?

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-10-25

And I suppose it'd just be easier to watch a home movie of fireworks every Fourth of July, too.

It's very important to do stuff like this, especially (as in the case of fireworks) if someone could get injured and catch fire.

Camonk - 2009-10-25

If it were up to this guy, we'd all be looking at cave paintings of fireworks that hadn't even been invented cause "isn't it easier to look up at the skyfires that the gods made to watch us?" What an asshole.

oddeye - 2009-10-25

Be even easier to hire an illegal immigrant to just stand in the way.

plopgun - 2009-10-26

This lloks like a shock type thing to me. If it just hurts and stuns it could be used to keep out humans and animals while letting inanimate material though. Say you cart raw minerals into a facility straight from the mine, this would let you leave the path open and keep wild animals out of your facility.

Syd Midnight - 2009-10-26

There's your time tested weapons, like guns that shoot rifled bullets and rockets that explode. And then there's awesome kickass impractical weapons, like flying lasers that melt your face or a gun that shoots burning knives that explode after they stab you. Just because #1 already does the job better and cheaper doesn't mean you shouldn't also definitely build #2.

fluffy - 2009-10-26

So plopgun, you're saying you could use it so that the material can enter and leave the mine without allowing the workers to leave?

Intriguing. My alien robot overlords will be very interested in this technology. Thank you, pitiful hu-man.

Desidiosus - 2009-10-25

It goes for thirty seconds and no one tries to get their buddy to run through it? Amazing.

dementomstie - 2009-10-25

Laser Induced Plasma Channel is my favorite channel since The SyFy Channel changed it's name.

BillFisto - 2009-10-25

I've seen enough movies to know that you can defeat this just by cartwheeling.

hornung - 2009-10-25

it will always cut a lock of your hair, or perhaps your shoelace, so it's not totally easy to do.

baleen - 2009-10-26

If you time it just right you can tell when the sparks are coming and slip through the gap! You will find these things conveniently placed in random places all over the world. They get faster and harder to slip through as you get older, though.

oogaBooga - 2009-10-25

If you could jump really high, it looks like there's a moment or two in the pattern where the top beam doesnt fire for a second or two.

Also: What the hell does this do? Cut you in half? Irritate you? Catch you on fire?

oddeye - 2009-10-25

It strips your atoms of their intrinsic field.

Time Travel Mishap - 2009-10-26

I'm guessing it shocks you. And with how these things usually go it probably wont shock you enough to actually stop anybody for another 10 years. Its a start though and super cool.

Ageusiatic - 2009-10-26

It looks like the pulsing is to stop it from endlessly shocking someone who falls down in it, but I would think if you rank towards it and lost all motor control as it shocked you, momentum would carry you to the other side, whereupon you would get back up and get to stealing, or whatever you're there for.

Once again, this thing is cool like a jetpack is cool. They don't work worth a crap, and even if they ever did more boring things are better at what they do anyway, but it's a cool idea.

Also see: lightsabers, video phones, underwater housing, TV wrist watches, and cars of the jet, flying, submersible and hovering variety.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2009-10-26

And me with out a multitool. is there an air vent around I can crawl through?

Cleaner82 - 2009-10-26

JC it's a bomb!

Longshot- - 2009-10-26

I wanna see you slide mirrors in there to deflect the bolts.

JimL2 - 2011-01-09

you could probably defeat it with a portable faraday cage... or a metal doorframe that you've grounded.

Maggot Brain - 2009-10-26

Oh boy! They've invented the drum machine.

kingofthenothing - 2010-04-05

get yourself a Zeusaphone, a robotic arm playing a thermin and a self-playing piano and you've got a kickass unmanned band.

memedumpster - 2009-10-26

All who doubt this technology are fools.

This thing stops ROBOTS, which is the most important thing of all.

Other possible comment was : When Life Imitates Contra

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-12-11

So many awesome comments. Somewhat underwhelming video.

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