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Comment count is 16
Ursa_minor - 2009-11-04

Rally racing is fucking insane. It's a bit long, but the highlights are great.

StanleyPain - 2009-11-04

God I miss rally. Now most coverage in the states consists of a half hour highlight show.

Near as I can figure, the guy on the track wasn't supposed to be there. It was another rally car in a lower class even or something. Dumbass should have gotten off the road. When they hit him on purpose it fucked up their car. Lesson learned I guess.

Frank Rizzo - 2009-11-04

rally racing is the best shit ever! I wish is was more popular in the states.

Syd Midnight - 2009-11-04

The more different a style of racing is than NASCAR, the better it is.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-11-05

Hear hear! It's not the cars, or even the fans of NASCAR, it's the goddamned oval fucking tracks. I could watch NASCAR cars on Laguna Seca all day.

Also the video got a little longish, but irate irish navigator guy made all the difference. Still no "rock to the ass *gesture*" but then, what rally video ever is?

Urist - 2009-11-05

Nascar does run a couple of road courses, they don't get a lot of attention though. The oval races are an excellent spectator sport.

Also, this video is awesome. Especially when the car he rear ended went past him at the end of the video.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-11-04

I've never heard of rally racing...it fits the Irish as a nation well, though.

StanleyPain - 2009-11-04

It's fucking awesome. Most of it consists of people driving 200mph through the oldest, most ragged, rural country roads throughout Europe. At least World Rally. There's actually some really cool American leagues as well, including a really cool open rally (where people can basically enter any normal, non-modified vehicle) in Washington state.

sosage - 2009-11-05

It's also the source of a lot of the internet's crazy videos featuring race cars obliterating camera men dumb enough to stand in the middle of the road.

Now I want to find a good Rally video game with an Irish track like this one. Shit looks crazy.

VoilaIntruder - 2009-11-04

Irish cursing is the best cursing.

RockBolt - 2009-11-04

Hit him! Hit him!


Fuck, our car!

glasseye - 2009-11-04

Comedy gold.

chumbucket - 2009-11-04

more of this please, especially the Irish drivers
rally racers get the best wreckies

Freeman Gordon - 2009-11-04

That was something different in terms of the usual content. Needs subtitles though.

Syd Midnight - 2009-11-04


Chancho - 2009-11-04

You know what's in the front of your car? The radiator you dumb fucking Irish retard cunts.

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