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Comment count is 24
kennydra - 2009-11-25

oh not this guy again.

-1 for just plain gross.

Ursa_minor - 2009-11-25


Enjoy - 2009-11-25

The American Dream

Albuquerque Halsey - 2009-11-25

I hate Boomers.

Son of Slam - 2009-11-25

For about 10 seconds I thought "This guy is way to young to be a Baby Boomer" before I had a headsmack moment.

It doesn't help that I hate both kinds.

DiscreteComponents - 2009-11-25

What the fuck is wrong with this guy? His Encyclopedia Dramatica page has almost no actual information. Is it drugs or is he just a psycho?

bakune young - 2009-11-25

hes fuckin fat, you dump

Embee - 2009-11-25

The length and derranged squeals of glee make it so surreal to me. I'm glad he has a platform to express himself.

fermun - 2009-11-25

But is it art?

Frank Rizzo - 2009-11-26

art fag? I dont get it.

Adham Nu'man - 2009-11-25

The Face of God.

dicktatortot - 2009-11-25

I had to stop the video about the time he let it fly, for fear that I too was going to vomit all over my key board.

Jesus this guy is nasty!

Xenocide - 2009-11-25

Suicide in progress.

kiint - 2009-11-25

needs a "wafer thin mint" tag

azazel - 2009-11-25

these are stars of agreement

revdrew - 2009-11-25

Greatest performance artist of this generation.

memedumpster - 2009-11-25

Didn't watch, will puke.

James Woods - 2009-11-26

Me either. I tried and had to bail.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2009-11-26

This is what poor Piter De Vries had to put up with during the early years of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen's reign.

Corporate God King - 2009-11-29

Gonna have to agree with the guy who is or is stalking Ouroboros.

detc - 2009-12-09

Don't miss the sequel where he one-ups himself by both vomiting and shitting in the tub.

No seriously, that isn't a joke. There was a sequel to this.

klingerbgoode - 2010-02-01

This is reall really long.

Anyway, I was reminded of this.
http://www.mobygames.com/game/genesis/tongue-of-the-fatman/scr eenshots/gameShotId,226496/

Squeamish - 2010-06-10


Eternalurker - 2010-10-23

Yes! This! This is the 'E' in POE. Truly horrendous!

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