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Comment count is 15
manfred - 2009-12-11


Glenn or Glennda - 2009-12-11

Pretty much everything Varla says becomes an instant catch phrase.

Boxhead - 2009-12-11

Ress Meyer? Is that Russ Meyer with a mouthful of tit?

Hooker - 2009-12-11

Normally I say please don't watch this great film on YouTube / Google Video / Whatever, but this one's not so bad.

chumbucket - 2009-12-11

I dropped my guard 2 minutes in

Cleaner82 - 2009-12-11

That laughing is a little forceful. I don't think she's happy. Not *really*.

mantang0 - 2009-12-11


Maggot Brain - 2009-12-11

A little something for everyone.

Michael Houser - 2009-12-12

Or dear god this is magical!!!
Like a velvet glove cast in iron.

phalsebob - 2009-12-12

This is pretty much the pinnacle of film making we are looking at right here. Oh, and Tura Satana is still alive and is some kind of double D hunchback fetish sex granny... really, it's too much for mere words to explain.

Glenn or Glennda - 2009-12-14

You can download an Ipod file for this (plays on my Linux Computer) at Google video.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8181648520248954695&ei =WN8mS4_qNobalQefhJn0DA&q=faster+pussycat+kill+kill&hl=en&client=f irefox-a#

If the above link doesn't work just search Google Video.

Pillager - 2013-01-12

Enjoy it while it lasts.

The Mothership - 2013-02-28

back up!

Pillager - 2013-02-28


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-10-25

I named one of my cats Varla.

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