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Comment count is 53
Scynne - 2010-05-04

The future of entertainment, ladies and gentlemen!

APE_GOD - 2010-05-04


Dr Dim - 2010-05-04

Holy shit. According to youtube he has BEEN TO GERMANY.

exar_kun - 2010-08-29


kingarthur - 2010-05-04

I sleep better at night knowing these children's lives are owned by multinational corporations. Souless, unforgiving, multinational corporations.

And stage parents.

I get off on their suffering is what I'm saying.

APE_GOD - 2010-05-04


BradsBrotherStu She seems like a very stupid little girl. Why does she have a boy's name? 15 4 hours ago

socialist_hentai - 2010-05-04

Granted, Americans tend to pick weirder and weirder names for their children.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2010-05-04

Say, nice Beiber!

CapnJesusHood - 2010-05-04

we don't say that in america

Camonk - 2010-05-04

Yeah, that's what I was asking.

Nice hat in Spring, retard. Fucking hate this kid.

Dr Dim - 2010-05-04

He's in New Zealand...

Camonk - 2010-05-04


The other guy is in a short sleeved shirt so it can't be cold enough in that studio for him to need a hat.


Freeman Gordon - 2010-05-04

The main character in the game "Africa" utilized the same hat type in African savanna...

namtar - 2010-05-04

Is he just some kid they picked randomly to be the next tween superstar?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-05-04

Straight from his local bus transit station playing hookey with other skater trash, and right into your living room.

kamlem - 2010-05-04

He's just trying to avoid acknowledging that he killed my grandfather in WW2.


Chalkdust - 2010-05-04

he could have even said "you mean the language?" and he still would have looked like an idiot

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-05-04

I'm eagerly waiting until puberty ruins his career.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-05-04

I look forward to the many Behind the Scenes and Extra interviews about his many shameful drug escapades and humiliating public statements, such as "what the hell are birds?" and "soundtrack...you mean like when you listen to your ipod while running?"

casualcollapse - 2020-11-20

Did it though..

Spoonybard - 2010-05-04

I'm prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest the question he heard is the apparently nonsensical "Is German for basketball true or false?

spikestoyiu - 2010-05-04

But he looked at the card and saw the phrasing for himself!

Robin Kestrel - 2010-05-04

Yeah, this. He clearly doesn't understand that "Bieber" is the first word of the question.

"Justin, 'Bieber' is German for basketball. True or false?"

flotsam - 2010-05-04

Why is there a "jerking" tag on the YouTube video?

Rosebeekee - 2010-05-04

"We don't say that in America"

This gets even more retarded when you realize he's Canadian.

fluffy - 2010-05-04

Many Canadians (and to a lesser extent Mexicans) get really annoyed with how Americans refer to America (the country) as "America" because Canada and Mexico are part of America (the continent) too.

KillerGazebo - 2010-05-04

What? No we don't.

KillerGazebo - 2010-05-04

He's also been living in America since his career took off apparently. Which is pretty much his entire adolescence, so he's more or less American by default.

Seriously though, the only person I've ever heard get mad about the 'America is two continents!' thing was an arrogant bitch in grade seven who thought she had outsmarted everyone.

James Woods - 2010-05-04

We don't give a shit, fluffy.

boner - 2010-05-04

Don't these kids become incorporated as their own independent country for tax purposes?

Wander - 2010-05-04

Yah, well I don't know who Justin Bieber is!


Hooper_X - 2010-05-04

See, here's the thing. This kid is a Pageant Baby. He's been raised from birth to sing and dance and entertain. It's pretty much like being raised in a sensory deprivation chamber. He doesn't know that German is a language. He can't name any professional athletes other than the very nice football player he met while doing Lopez Tonight last week. He's only dimly aware of who the President is and what he does.

Doctor Arcane - 2010-05-04

Dont they make him to go to school? Isn't it against the law not to teach kids stuff, like oh say geography, history?

Hooper_X - 2010-05-04

Not really, I mean, you can homeschool your kids to believe Christian Math.

Smellvin - 2010-05-04

2 + 2 = Jesus.

Hooper_X - 2010-05-04


fatatty - 2010-05-04


pastorofmuppets - 2010-05-04

∏ = 3

Syd Midnight - 2010-05-04

This also means he doesn't know about WW2 or Tiger tanks or Hitler or Messerschmits, which means he's not just dumb but abnormal for an adolescent male.

ShiftlessRastus - 2010-05-04

Oh boy, this is a great prank opportunity for someone pretending to be his concert costume designer.

"Here. Their called 'Jackboots'."
"A'ight, yo."
"And here's the arm band."
"Dat arm band got a fucked-up letter X on it."
"Yes, the X is for 'excellent'."
"Escalent? We don't say dat in America."

spikestoyiu - 2010-05-04

Also, it's really worth knowing that this little turd has a fucking "SWAGGER COACH." Seriously.

http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/ask_the_answer_bitch/b171776_d oes_justin_bieber_really_have_swagger.html

pastorofmuppets - 2010-05-04

�ber blog? We don't say that in America.

themilkshark - 2010-05-04

This kid is simply the current David Cassidy. Bieber will earn most of his life's earnings in either Las Vegas or Branson, Missouri.

Siebenstein - 2010-05-04

"Bieber is jewman for Basketball true or false"

"We don't say that in America"

Right you are.

This is the first time I saw a video with Justin Bieber in it and I must say this kid is off to a good start.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-05-04

I'm surprised that he hasn't heard of Germany, given that we made it our goal a few years ago to bring democracy there.

Big Name Celebrity - 2010-05-04

Germans: how do they work?

nemeses9 - 2010-05-04

I'd wager he's still smarter than Palin.

nemeses9 - 2010-05-04

Also, those stars are for making me weep for our future. Thanks again PoE!

bluiker - 2010-05-05


Xero - 2010-05-10

I hope his private plane crashes. So as I can enjoy seeing all the heartbroken 14 year old girls crying on TV.

Their suffering is what I get off on.

Ouroboros - 2010-05-12

Justin Beiber is smarter than all of you. He knows that "Deustch" is correct, not "German"

knowless - 2010-05-13

ich denke nichts

Rape Van Winkle - 2010-07-25

Too good to be true.

But who's the dumb girl?

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